Sunday, October 13, 2002

Alright, maybe I can. A surprise phone call (thank you!), a bowl of oatmeal, and the first three volumes of Chobits later, and I'm feeling human again. More or less. *sigh* I still do need to stop thinking, of course, but there's not much I can do about that. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the newspaper- or about school. I can't take a full day. I'm slightly annoyed- this is just like last year, and I told myself it wouldn't be. (Not exactly like, thankfully. No Edgar Allen Poe this time. No foetal positions on the bathroom floor. A great deal more anger and resentment, but nothing quite so disturbing as last year. *sigh*)

I swear my winamp player is clairvoyant. While trying to beg mom to let me off school tomorrow, it started playing Wishful Thinking. I don't expect a sense of irony from my mp3 player, thank you very much. (Now it is playing Scar Tissue, which I also find faintly ironic. Very faint. Practically unconscious.)

I think I'll make a separate journal for my nanonovel, now tentatively titled Kiss of the Rainbow because I think it sounds cool. No plot yet. (Suddenly I'm very tired...gee, wonder why...)

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