Tuesday, August 30, 2005

On House, mostly

Oh, this episode (submissive infected jaw guy) reminds me why I love Foreman. He's the only one who thinks that House and Cameron going out just might be a bad idea- aside from House himself, of course. But House's weird mixed signals make no sense, and the way the writers handled the House/Cameron dynamic really, really squicks me out.

When Cameron says "But I'm allowed to sexually harass my boss" and smiles, does no one else feel that she is being just slightly psychotic? I'm not just saying this because I think House and Wilson are ambiguously gay together

And this episode (House lectures on leg injuries), I love because so many people almost get their limbs removed. I'm not gonna lie and say that all the leg amputations going on here didn't inspire What Remains. Also, it pleases me when Foreman points out that dogs' mouths are filthy. Because they fucking are, and if one more person says to me, "But dogs have such clean mouths!" I fucking swear I will stab them.

No, I'm serious. Mouths are disgusting, disgusting things, no matter what you are- dogs are worse than people, and people are pretty fucking disgusting.

And I love this episode because it's backstory-tastic, and because House mocks Cameron quite viciously. But Stacey's eyebrows are really scarey, and I'm rather glad she and House broke up.

I think I would like to read fic that deals with the implications of drug abuse in this episode- the first time House went to the hospital for leg pain, he did it for painkillers. Why the hospital then hired him after pulling that kind of stunt, I do not know- and why he had to trick the clinic doctors into giving him painkillers instead of just getting them from wherever he was working at the time is also a mystery.

Unless, of course, it does get covered in those three or four episodes I haven't seen. -_- The detox episode was poorly handled, because a body is going to be addicted to any substance it's been ingesting for eight years on a steady basis. But if he was a drug addict before the infarcture- well, that's another matter entirely.

New season starts the 13, same week as the new OC, which seems to involve the Fantastic Four on a boat, fleeing from the authorities. I'm excited, yo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always thought the whole things with 'dogs have clean mouths' was that they could fight off bacteria better, and thus wouldn't get sick from it like people would.

Of course, I could be wrong. I never had a dog, after all. I had a cat that acted /like/ a dog - perhaps that counts.