Saturday, August 09, 2003

Will's Sword Fetish
You are....

Will's sword fetish! Spending hours at a time in a
hot confined room with sharp pointy objects
really makes you happy. Maybe you should listen
to Jack and get a girl. Or just...get out more.
I don't think all that sweat is from working at
the forge, mate.

Which Pirates of the Caribbean Character's Unhealthy Fetish are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oh. Yeah. Baby. *wink*

...on an unrelated note, I don't mind crowds, so long as they're not noisy crowds and so long as I'm not expected to interract with anyone in them. I can't stand my extended family for the simple fact that there are far too many of them, and they all tend to gather in enclosed spaces. *sigh*

And Robbie? Oh, trauma.

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