Right, so, the webcomic will be found at godlessavatar.keenspace.com, once I finish a couple of pages, and once I stop obsessing over Grayling enough to form coherent original ideas.
The main character's name is Darwin. The world is similar to our own, just...expanded. And all those random deities do exist, they've just been forgotten about for the most part- excepting the members of Dar's coven, who follow a slightly skewed version of eclectic Wicca. They're all that's supplying the ancient gods with the belief power to survive, and even that isn't enough for many of them. The dying out of the deities is just a symptom of a much larger problem, one which grabs the attention of the archetypes. (That should probably have a capital 'a', actually...)
The archetypes are just what they sound like- the original gods, the templates for all the ones to follow. (They're elementals, really, but sh! I'm attempting to be original.) They're the ones who turn Dar into a multipurpose avatar. When one of them can't personally be there to posess his body, they delegate the responsibility to a deity.
Still working on the plot, but I know how it begins! I'm just working too much on the archetypes' personalities, since I already know who Dar is and who his friends are and what his deal is. In fact, I more or less know the overplot, it's just the inner plots that I haven't gotten around to.
And besides, immortal, omnipotent beings with angst issues are just much more fun to contemplate than a short order cook with a dead girlfriend and an oedipus complex. (He's not really a short order cook, in fact I think he's unemployed- but you know what I mean.)
Judecca, one of the characters from Boffo that didn't make the cut, features prominently. I don't know if the rest of the Boffo cast is going to be making any cameos, but they might. It would probably be amusing on all our parts. I intend for this whole thing to be a largely amusing experience, and I don't particularly intend for it to appeal to most of you. (Most of you meaning Bo and Kristen; I don't intend to censor this project the way I have all the others. Just lettin' ya know.)
Bwa. Queen is on TV. Mmm, yummy music.
Uh...holy fuck on a stick- I move into my dorm tomorrow.
And I really hate those Pepsi Vanilla commercials. Ew. Pepsi.
But- I'm moving in tomorrow...
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Friday, August 29, 2003
Wow, and I didn't even know Grayling was all slash and yaoi-ish before I fell in love with it. Mmm, angst. More angst than you can shake a stick at. I need to learn to color like that...
So, I have signed up for a keenspace account at last. Still waiting for my account confirmation email and shiz, but that will come soon, and then I will start my comic. The name? Godless Avatar. Still working on the plot, but I have the first page done and damn is it ugly.
It pleases me, because I know it'll get better. And it pleases me because I like the backstory; it makes sense, and it's not freakishly complicated or far-out like so many of my other ideas are. It also manages to pull off beings something like a crossover to my other stories- Song of Shadows and Feathers in particular. This also pleases me.
And it has the Pagans vs the Christians vs the Lions at some point, which will amuse me to no end.
Just about done packing, aside from the stuff that's not packed. Have to work on that.
Damn. I'm going to miss my rpgs. The ones I haven't finished, that is. (Damn Vagrant Story and the fact that it always kills me!) I believe I'll have to run through the ending of FFVII before I go- in addition to doing my homework and updating Godless on a regular basis, I shall make it my goal to write a fanfic that I am not ashamed of showing the world. (TSAT, you do not count. That was eighth grade, and you sucked.)
Going off to finish packing what isn't packed now. *wanders*
Oh yeah-
To all of y'all out there-
*hugs* I love ya, guys! *smooch*
So, I have signed up for a keenspace account at last. Still waiting for my account confirmation email and shiz, but that will come soon, and then I will start my comic. The name? Godless Avatar. Still working on the plot, but I have the first page done and damn is it ugly.
It pleases me, because I know it'll get better. And it pleases me because I like the backstory; it makes sense, and it's not freakishly complicated or far-out like so many of my other ideas are. It also manages to pull off beings something like a crossover to my other stories- Song of Shadows and Feathers in particular. This also pleases me.
And it has the Pagans vs the Christians vs the Lions at some point, which will amuse me to no end.
Just about done packing, aside from the stuff that's not packed. Have to work on that.
Damn. I'm going to miss my rpgs. The ones I haven't finished, that is. (Damn Vagrant Story and the fact that it always kills me!) I believe I'll have to run through the ending of FFVII before I go- in addition to doing my homework and updating Godless on a regular basis, I shall make it my goal to write a fanfic that I am not ashamed of showing the world. (TSAT, you do not count. That was eighth grade, and you sucked.)
Going off to finish packing what isn't packed now. *wanders*
Oh yeah-
To all of y'all out there-
*hugs* I love ya, guys! *smooch*
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
In other news, This person's art is very pretty. I adore the noses and the free flowing lines.
In other news, This person's art is very pretty. I adore the noses and the free flowing lines.
I felt the need to change the title...don't give me that look, the song amuses me, okay? I am my typically easily amused self, we all know that...
So, Fake vol 2? Only three episodes, to the first volume's four, but they were longer to make up for it. I think I liked 1-3 better than 5-6, but I liked 7 better than 4. Every volume apparently has one episode devoted to Cal and Bicky, the featured straight couple. They're kids, so it's cute, but not half as interesting as Dee and Ryo, if you ask me.
The plot is really just a very flimsy excuse for scenes of Dee groping Ryo and for Dee to be a smartass every other panel. Oddly enough, I don't mind. :) Shoddy plot or not, the art is very, very pretty. (In other words, who needs plot when you can stare at Dee's ass?) I think the only reason I like the first volume a bit better is because it's all character introduction (though episode 6 did introduce Berkley Rose, the dead sexy new member of the 27th precinct. Mmm, sexy evil bishies) and character development. Not so much character development in volume 2. Still very pretty, however. Mmm, pretty.
;P Yummy. (Why yes, I am shallow, fangirlish, and largely driven by extremely confused hormones, why do you ask?)
Aaaanyway. So, while watching tv last night, I wrote a thing. A strange, bizarre thing inspired by Gargoyles and The Mummy. The main character needs a name, but he's some sort of Pagan who had been working with his mother and a woman named Diana (oh, just shut up) to complete some sort of fancy ass powerful ritual. But both his mother and Diana died obtaining a phoenix feather, which was required in the ritual. Nameless gets a hold of the feather and attempts the spell, but the spellbooks were all destroyed when Diana died, so he's acting mostly on instinct here.
He ends up turning himself into a walking conduit for the divine; every single pagan deity is clambering for a space in his soul, so they can work their will upon the world. It's a pretty raw deal for nameless, but he doesn't have much of a choice in the matter.
And gods, no matter how small, tend to be bitchy and opionated. A large quantity of gods in a very small space (Nameless' skull) is just going generate lots and lots of drama. Gods are nothing if not ridiculous drama queens.
They end up drawing lots, and the first goddess to get her turn at the wheel, so to speak, is Eos, the Greco-Roman goddess of dawn. Helping Eos are various other dawn deities, but she's the one with the most power. So, in addition to a splitting reaction headache and a tendency to see double, Nameless is also stuck with a pair of twenty foot, glowing, rainbow colored wings.
And Eos won't tell him how to get rid of them, because she thinks they're pretty.
Crackheaded deities.
I've no idea what the gods really want with him, or what his mother and Diana were trying to do with a phoenix feather; all I know is that he's gotten himself into some rather hilarious and pathetic shennanigans, and it amuses me. Don't know if I'll do anything with this later; I just felt the need for a dark and brooding male character with no familial connections and no suicidal tendencies. *coughcoughDeicoughcough*
I swear I'll go to bed soon...just not quite yet.
So, Fake vol 2? Only three episodes, to the first volume's four, but they were longer to make up for it. I think I liked 1-3 better than 5-6, but I liked 7 better than 4. Every volume apparently has one episode devoted to Cal and Bicky, the featured straight couple. They're kids, so it's cute, but not half as interesting as Dee and Ryo, if you ask me.
The plot is really just a very flimsy excuse for scenes of Dee groping Ryo and for Dee to be a smartass every other panel. Oddly enough, I don't mind. :) Shoddy plot or not, the art is very, very pretty. (In other words, who needs plot when you can stare at Dee's ass?) I think the only reason I like the first volume a bit better is because it's all character introduction (though episode 6 did introduce Berkley Rose, the dead sexy new member of the 27th precinct. Mmm, sexy evil bishies) and character development. Not so much character development in volume 2. Still very pretty, however. Mmm, pretty.
;P Yummy. (Why yes, I am shallow, fangirlish, and largely driven by extremely confused hormones, why do you ask?)
Aaaanyway. So, while watching tv last night, I wrote a thing. A strange, bizarre thing inspired by Gargoyles and The Mummy. The main character needs a name, but he's some sort of Pagan who had been working with his mother and a woman named Diana (oh, just shut up) to complete some sort of fancy ass powerful ritual. But both his mother and Diana died obtaining a phoenix feather, which was required in the ritual. Nameless gets a hold of the feather and attempts the spell, but the spellbooks were all destroyed when Diana died, so he's acting mostly on instinct here.
He ends up turning himself into a walking conduit for the divine; every single pagan deity is clambering for a space in his soul, so they can work their will upon the world. It's a pretty raw deal for nameless, but he doesn't have much of a choice in the matter.
And gods, no matter how small, tend to be bitchy and opionated. A large quantity of gods in a very small space (Nameless' skull) is just going generate lots and lots of drama. Gods are nothing if not ridiculous drama queens.
They end up drawing lots, and the first goddess to get her turn at the wheel, so to speak, is Eos, the Greco-Roman goddess of dawn. Helping Eos are various other dawn deities, but she's the one with the most power. So, in addition to a splitting reaction headache and a tendency to see double, Nameless is also stuck with a pair of twenty foot, glowing, rainbow colored wings.
And Eos won't tell him how to get rid of them, because she thinks they're pretty.
Crackheaded deities.
I've no idea what the gods really want with him, or what his mother and Diana were trying to do with a phoenix feather; all I know is that he's gotten himself into some rather hilarious and pathetic shennanigans, and it amuses me. Don't know if I'll do anything with this later; I just felt the need for a dark and brooding male character with no familial connections and no suicidal tendencies. *coughcoughDeicoughcough*
I swear I'll go to bed soon...just not quite yet.
Saturday, August 23, 2003
It was a beautiful day today and, like many of the past few days, filled with far too many people. My social anxiety, already aggravated by the thought of leaving in a week to be in a place that is entirely strange and unknown, has made normal social interaction even more unbearable than it was before.
Not to say that I don't love spending time with my friends; I'm just overly sensitive and easily overwhelmed at the moment. I told Wendy that it was harder to think of leaving now, because I finally have achieved a state of 'we'. (Didn't use that terminology, of course.) I no longer feel the desperate, desperate need to get out of here that I did last summer, or that I felt when writing my college essays. I have a group now, and a place within the group. It's a small group, but it's mine. And I am moderately content with my place.
But that was Wednsday, and now I'm starting to feel that restless, itchy need to get away.
It was a beautiful day today, and I spent the better part of it inside; there was a window open upstairs, however. Through it I could see the sunlight through the trees in the backyard, and I could smell the end of summer on the breeze. As it has every year, that scent fills me with an unmistakeable dread. School or some sort of other unknown approaches with inevitable steps, and I can feel each minute plodding by, bringing me closer and closer to- what, I do not know. And that's the problem. I do not know what to expect, or what to do, so it's easiest to do nothing.
Less than a week left, now. Less than a week, and I've no idea what I should do. Everything feels off balance...
So I sit and watch Teen Titans while I can, and laugh at the little green guy. Much adoration to the cynic girl, too. Confusion as to which Robin, amusement at Starfire, and general apathy towards Cyborg. Alas, that I don't know the real story of these guys. But joy, at the levels of crack contained therein. Seriously, there's more crack here than in the Superman episode with mxylspt, and that was a lot of crack. It's the evolution of American cartoons; eventually, it'll all be anime. (Oh yeah, I really love the little green guy.)
"Try a tofudog, Raven! They're full of soybeany goodness!"
"I respect that you don't eat meat. Please respect that I don't eat fake meat."
Gee, that seems familiar, for some reason...;) And now, Ruroni Kenshin! Huzzah.
Not to say that I don't love spending time with my friends; I'm just overly sensitive and easily overwhelmed at the moment. I told Wendy that it was harder to think of leaving now, because I finally have achieved a state of 'we'. (Didn't use that terminology, of course.) I no longer feel the desperate, desperate need to get out of here that I did last summer, or that I felt when writing my college essays. I have a group now, and a place within the group. It's a small group, but it's mine. And I am moderately content with my place.
But that was Wednsday, and now I'm starting to feel that restless, itchy need to get away.
It was a beautiful day today, and I spent the better part of it inside; there was a window open upstairs, however. Through it I could see the sunlight through the trees in the backyard, and I could smell the end of summer on the breeze. As it has every year, that scent fills me with an unmistakeable dread. School or some sort of other unknown approaches with inevitable steps, and I can feel each minute plodding by, bringing me closer and closer to- what, I do not know. And that's the problem. I do not know what to expect, or what to do, so it's easiest to do nothing.
Less than a week left, now. Less than a week, and I've no idea what I should do. Everything feels off balance...
So I sit and watch Teen Titans while I can, and laugh at the little green guy. Much adoration to the cynic girl, too. Confusion as to which Robin, amusement at Starfire, and general apathy towards Cyborg. Alas, that I don't know the real story of these guys. But joy, at the levels of crack contained therein. Seriously, there's more crack here than in the Superman episode with mxylspt, and that was a lot of crack. It's the evolution of American cartoons; eventually, it'll all be anime. (Oh yeah, I really love the little green guy.)
"Try a tofudog, Raven! They're full of soybeany goodness!"
"I respect that you don't eat meat. Please respect that I don't eat fake meat."
Gee, that seems familiar, for some reason...;) And now, Ruroni Kenshin! Huzzah.
Friday, August 22, 2003
Finally, something halfway decent! It's Sephiroth (the computer), as he would look as a human. Looks rather like the original, I know- but I think his hair is backwards. Don't ask me what he's wearing, it wasn't really my idea. I'm not sure whose idea it was, but it wasn't mine. Just ignore most of the boots (still can't draw feet unless they're just random blobby things on the end of an ankle) and the wonkiness of the sword.
In other news, Painter is an amazingly spiff program, but it's completely different from photoshop. Eep. My amateur methods of coloring things does not work well in painter, sadly...but it's a lovely program for doing lineart, which is something that photoshop utterly blows at. Huzzah, and happy day, y'know?
I do so love my pwecious wittle waptop, I do indeed...*giggle* Right. No guarantees that I'll stop being such a spaz, I'm afraid. :)
Finally, something halfway decent! It's Sephiroth (the computer), as he would look as a human. Looks rather like the original, I know- but I think his hair is backwards. Don't ask me what he's wearing, it wasn't really my idea. I'm not sure whose idea it was, but it wasn't mine. Just ignore most of the boots (still can't draw feet unless they're just random blobby things on the end of an ankle) and the wonkiness of the sword.
In other news, Painter is an amazingly spiff program, but it's completely different from photoshop. Eep. My amateur methods of coloring things does not work well in painter, sadly...but it's a lovely program for doing lineart, which is something that photoshop utterly blows at. Huzzah, and happy day, y'know?
I do so love my pwecious wittle waptop, I do indeed...*giggle* Right. No guarantees that I'll stop being such a spaz, I'm afraid. :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
I wrote a Setzer snippet on the plane, as we were landing. The sun was setting, and it reminded him of Daryl; I felt the need to oblige him in some silliness that involved a short opera solo and Shadow pretending to know what he's talking about when it comes to opera and the little games Setzer plays when he knows that winning isn't everything.
I also wrote a very quick SoS snippet, because Umbra finally revealed her real name to me, even if she doesn't quite have a last name. She is Deva, and at some point in her past, she was something much more than a student. Circles within circles...never play with reincarnation in a story- you never know how far back things will go.
My laptop is in. It's a Vaio. Depending on the color, I'm going to name him one of the following (I'm convinced my laptop is male, and I can only hope I'm right when we finally meet): Sephiroth, Sydney, or Schuldig. Various permutations of these names are possible; for instance, I might call him Losstarot, Creve Couer, or any of the other Schwarz names. But if he turns out to be Sephiroth or Sydney instead of someone Weiss Kreuz based, I'll be forced to name my Wacom Cloud, Zack, or Ashley.
Yes, I know, I hardly treat the thing well enough to merit giving it a name, but that's because it's attatched to Lulu right now, and Lulu's a pushy bitch who doesn't want to give any of her symbiotes a personality. But...depending on the name of the laptop, the pen in the pen holder is immediately going to make me think of spikey hair, hence...Cloud, Zack, or Ashley.
Yes. I am obsessive. I am a silly twit. I should not assign such blatant personalities to inanimate objects. I realize these things. But I am also very easily amused, and you have absolutely no idea how amusing I would find it to have a laptop named Sydney connected to a mouse named Ashely. That's beyond ironic right there.
Beyond something, at any rate.
It's also almost five in the morning, and therefore it is time to go to bed. Expect coherent thought at a later date.
I also wrote a very quick SoS snippet, because Umbra finally revealed her real name to me, even if she doesn't quite have a last name. She is Deva, and at some point in her past, she was something much more than a student. Circles within circles...never play with reincarnation in a story- you never know how far back things will go.
My laptop is in. It's a Vaio. Depending on the color, I'm going to name him one of the following (I'm convinced my laptop is male, and I can only hope I'm right when we finally meet): Sephiroth, Sydney, or Schuldig. Various permutations of these names are possible; for instance, I might call him Losstarot, Creve Couer, or any of the other Schwarz names. But if he turns out to be Sephiroth or Sydney instead of someone Weiss Kreuz based, I'll be forced to name my Wacom Cloud, Zack, or Ashley.
Yes, I know, I hardly treat the thing well enough to merit giving it a name, but that's because it's attatched to Lulu right now, and Lulu's a pushy bitch who doesn't want to give any of her symbiotes a personality. But...depending on the name of the laptop, the pen in the pen holder is immediately going to make me think of spikey hair, hence...Cloud, Zack, or Ashley.
Yes. I am obsessive. I am a silly twit. I should not assign such blatant personalities to inanimate objects. I realize these things. But I am also very easily amused, and you have absolutely no idea how amusing I would find it to have a laptop named Sydney connected to a mouse named Ashely. That's beyond ironic right there.
Beyond something, at any rate.
It's also almost five in the morning, and therefore it is time to go to bed. Expect coherent thought at a later date.
Saturday, August 09, 2003

You are....
Will's sword fetish! Spending hours at a time in a
hot confined room with sharp pointy objects
really makes you happy. Maybe you should listen
to Jack and get a girl. Or just...get out more.
I don't think all that sweat is from working at
the forge, mate.
Which Pirates of the Caribbean Character's Unhealthy Fetish are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh. Yeah. Baby. *wink*
...on an unrelated note, I don't mind crowds, so long as they're not noisy crowds and so long as I'm not expected to interract with anyone in them. I can't stand my extended family for the simple fact that there are far too many of them, and they all tend to gather in enclosed spaces. *sigh*
And Robbie? Oh, trauma.
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
It's angry and angsty and rather crappy. But it's something.
Didn't really help with the aleviating of the anger, or the hurt, but hells, we do what we can, right? I'll be fine. I'm always fine.
Fucked up- Insecure- Neurotic- and Emotional. FINE. 'Least, I think that's how it went. I never really listened, not when I should have.
Fucking hell. I need to go to sleep.
It's angry and angsty and rather crappy. But it's something.
Didn't really help with the aleviating of the anger, or the hurt, but hells, we do what we can, right? I'll be fine. I'm always fine.
Fucked up- Insecure- Neurotic- and Emotional. FINE. 'Least, I think that's how it went. I never really listened, not when I should have.
Fucking hell. I need to go to sleep.
"You have your mother's eyes."
"And my father's poker face, evidently."
"Was that a challenge?"
"My wife would have my head if I gambled with you, you know that."
"What's a little friendly bonding between father and son?"
"More than you'll ever know, my friend. More than you'll ever know."
"And my father's poker face, evidently."
"Was that a challenge?"
"My wife would have my head if I gambled with you, you know that."
"What's a little friendly bonding between father and son?"
"More than you'll ever know, my friend. More than you'll ever know."