Sunday, December 08, 2002

I've found places to download sheet music from. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Because I can now play the opening theme to Crono Cross on my violin. Hmwahaha! And I'm teaching myself to play the piano, because I've got the music to the Wild Arms opening theme, my favoritist opening theme ever, even more so than the tinkly harp opener to FF4. (Which I can also download the music to, by the way.) Yay for sheet music!

*excerpt from me playing piano*
"And then you go there and that finger goes there and we all press the keys at the same time and it sounds like that, and then we do it all over again in another measure and- no! Left hand does this! Stop that! Bad hand! ...What the hell is that note? *turns paper upside down* ...Oh. It was a C. I apologize, left hand. Right. Where was I?"

It's not going all that great...but I can play the first page! and I can play the top line and bottom line when they're separate...just not both hands at the same time, unless I'm playing it very, very slowly. As in, 56 beats per hour, slowly. *_* If humans only had one hand, I wouldn't be having this problem...:)

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