Friday, February 22, 2002

*sigh* Why is it that in general, guys just don't do this sort of thing? I mean, in my experience, they all tend to avoid introspection like cultures of the Bubonic Plague (wait, no, bad analogy, seeing as most of them would be delighted to have a plague to play with...), but quite a few of the ones that I know do do this writing thang...but not the whole journal-on-the-web-for-the-whole-world-to-see. Or, in my case, journal-on-the-web-for-the-whole-world-aside-from-my-friends-to-see. Perhaps also known as a JOTWFTWWAFMFTS. (jot-wift-waf'm-fits) Not that I really care; at this point if every male of the species between the ages of fourteen and nineteen were to disappear, I would be beyond happy. (Well, that's not necessarily true, because then I'd have no one to sit with at lunch. But still.)

And another thing- why does it sometimes feel like I'm the only fricken' person in my entire town who has a webpage with writing and similar shiz? Am I some sort of freakish outcast even to the other freakish outcasts out there? Are they hiding from me? Or do I really live in the mud pit of the world where most people's idea of 'being connected' involves AOL and chatrooms? If I lived somewhere else, would there be actual people I could relate to there? 'Cuz, you know, here in dear old Franklin, there don't seem to be any. At all. The closest thing to the society of angst-filled teen and early twenty something female writer/artists on the web at Franklin would be...Billy. And that's really, really scary.

I think I'm really just a little annoyed by the fact that I have no one to discuss the merits of video game yaoi with. But I do sometimes wonder if this place really is the dirty armpit of the world- it seriously resembles it at times.

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