Sunday, February 17, 2002

Okay, now it's true that somewhere, buried deep, deep, deep inside of me, a hopeless romantic is chained to a wall and given a small ration of bread and water every week, just enough to keep her from wasting away completely into a hopeless romantic-shaped stain on the wall. However, since that hopeless romantic is buried so very deep, she doesn't get out much. And therefore my cynical and angry side gets a chance to rampage.

My cynical and angry side likes to rampage about Harry Potter. More specifically, Draco Malfoy. And if we want to go into detail, anyone falling in love with him, but especially Harry, Ron, Hermione, or Ginny. He is not a good little wizard who's just been misunderstood. He is not just aching for love- he's aching for power. He's in effin' Slytherin, for the blessed All's sake! Ambitious. The house that produced the most dark wizards- his father is one of Voldemort's lackeys, and it's quite obvious that he despises the muggles and muggle born just as much as the Dark Lord.

He calls Hermione a mudblood, which is obviously one of the worst things you can call anyone muggle born, given the reaction it got when he first called her that in the second book. He despises Ron and his entire family, not only because they are poor, but because they are muggle sympathisers. Ron et all hate him. They loathe and despise him, and anyone who has read to the end of the fourth book can see that there is little chance for his salvation.

Now, I'm not always one who sticks to cannon pairings in fanfiction- some of my favorite pairings are the weird ones with little evidence for support, actually. But it just pisses me off to see people writing this delightfully evil character as a sap who's really 'good at heart'. They boy's a jackass, dahlings. Get over it, and stop making some random character find his 'good side'.

Bah. *kicks something* I'll return to this topic again, I daresay. It just annoys me to no end- I seriously hope that J.K. Rowling has him annihilated by Harry or Ron at some point in the later books, just as a slap in the face to all the people who keep writing him as a nice person.

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