Sunday, February 24, 2002

Oh, hey. The Olympics. I'd almost forgotten.
Figureskating kicks arse, lots of it, and hard. And short track speedskating...yum.

See, it's kinda funny how in my house, yes, we're all Americans and we ought to be rooting for the American teams but...I think me and my mom end up cheering just as hard for the Russians. (We're all secretly communist revolutionaries, shh.) So we were all ecstatic when Alexei whatsisname and the other Russians won medals in figureskating. *cheers* Huzzah! Even happier we were than when Sarah Hughes and Michelle Kwan won medals, or when the Canadians won. Because, you know, Canadian people are in general coo', and we're supposed to cheer for the Americans. And because I don't feel like analyzing and fixing the syntax of that sentence. Muddle through on your own, this is my blog and I know what I'm talking about. *g*

And as for Apollo Anton Ohno...well, I didn't start it, it was this girl in my English class who had gotten her hands on a newspaper and was apparently licking the picture of him in it. Yes, licking the picture of Apollo Ohno. Now, I ask you, why should this be so surprising? He is an eminently lickable person, you know. (Gad, you have no idea how many weird looks I got when I actually said that.) His chin tail is cute, what can I say? (*grumbles* I wasn't the one licking the paper, you know...)

So, yay, Olympics. They're shiny, very shiny.

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