Saturday, July 16, 2005

thoughts (are screaming)

Occasionally I'll get a name stuck in my head and, if the conditions are right (keep in a dark, warm, slightly damp place and cover with paper towels) it'll grow into a character.

Evidently my head has been particularly dark and damp lately.

Sabatieni and Cabiria Valentine are sisters; they look enough alike to be twins, but Sabatieni is older by a few years. I've had Sav in my head for a while, though she doesn't talk much- now that her sister is here, she's a little bit more sociable, but Cabiria has always been the more outgoing of the two of them.

Don't know much about them; they're names and faces and hints of personalities- tall and slender with long dark hair, pale skin, hawkbeak noses and narrow mouths, with slightly scornful, superior smirks. Their primary colors are black, white, and red. They're travellers and a thousand possible other things. Right now I think they're leaning toward arsonists and poets of an unconventional style.

Dove Lancaster looks about sixteen but probably isn't; he's got a gangly, unfinished look to him, and his hair is always in his eyes. His primary color is gray, hence his name; his eyes are blue-gray, his hair is a colorless sort of brown, and his clothes are all faded. He's a traveller like the Valentine sisters; they met up on the road years ago and have kept in touch. (They drive an ancient Cadillac that Cabiria keeps in condition; Dove goes through vehicles like I go through sunglasses, and was last seen driving a Vespa.)

No world and no story; there's another woman named Maeve involved, but I know even less about her. The Valentine sisters want to invade the Boffo universe and stir up trouble (they insist on being called the Infamous Valentine Sisters) but I'm not sure how Dove fits into that. Dunno what I'll do with them; doubt I'll actually write anything for them, but y'never know. Maybe I'll attempt some artings, since I'm fond of their designs.

Meh. Downswings always kill my creativity; I disgustingly unproductive. (Oh, right, because I am.)

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