Sunday, July 17, 2005


So, I started reading Bleach today; got up to chapter 100 and got frustrated with the difficulty of downloading the scans. ...I love shounen manga. It's just so shiny.

I'm not as rabidly fangirly about it as I am about Naruto, but it is kind of fun. Mostly I'm in a state of bliss over the character designs and the clothing- I'm completely in lust love lust with Urahara's hat and Ichigo's random Engrish t-shirts. (I want Speaking is NOT.)

I like the characters, even if there are too many of them; Rukia does nothing for me, but Ichigo and his family are hilarious. Ishida and his sewing skills are wonderful; Chad's excessive niceness and his awesome hair also make me happy. Orihime and all of the femmeslash that surrounds her caused me to make lots of incoherent noises at my computer, as did Kon.

I'm still sort of reeling from all of the new characters that are being introduced in the Soul Society arc; I have decided that I adore Renji's eyebrows and the entire 11th Division, but otherwise I have no opinions on the other Shinigami. (Okay, Gin creeps me out, but I think he's supposed to.)

It's aaaall about the 11th Division, though. They're just so bloody cute. I just wish it weren't so bloody difficult to find scanlations. *le sigh* But yes, love for Bleach; it's a shame there's very little fic for it, particularly since most of what is there is Ichigo/Rukia. All I want is Renji silliness or 11th Division shennanigans, or possibly Chad and Ishida being nice to each other...perhaps I will drabble, once I've finished reading the scans.

And, in completely unrelated news, the jerk who posted the Harry Potter thing on chuunin? *facepalm* Asshat. On the one hand, now I seriously don't have to read the book (yaye), but on the other- oh, asshattery. To improve everyone's mood, I give you a completely non-spoilery link: Dumbledore's death, by William Carlos Williams. There's a TS Eliot one on the site that makes me very happy, as well. *wanders off to read all the spoilery posts on friends list*


Anonymous said... Unless you're getting upset over the one download per 15 second rule, in which case, /dude/. It takes at least four minutes to read twenty pages of manga. (Two if it's a chapter full of people beating each other up.)

At around...oh, chapter 180 or so, the plot becomes FULL OF CRACK. Like watching a telenova! Random characters are related to random other characters, random characters are aliens, random characters are not as harmless as you thought; there's conspiracies, death, childhood flashbacks, long-lost fathers, characters with myseterious resemblences to other characters, beastiality... <-- only half of these actually happen, so I can avoid spoiling you.

Get caught up, yo. Bleach falls into Shonan Fight land for a while (and MAN do I envy you for getting to breeze through those when I had to wait TWO MONTHS for character A to stop beating on character B), but when the smoke clears it becomes apparent: Kubo Tite has no idea what he's doing. He's puling it all out of his ass! It's a thing of beauty.


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