Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sorrows and Rejoicings

Oh, sweet Chrisy I want to murder Nothing new this time, just the same old shit. Grr, arr, blah, blah, blah.

In other news, Sorrows and Rejoicings is done and posted, both at and at Halleluia.

Everything that isn't Blindsided will now be posted in both places, I think; Blindsided will continue to be published at and at, but the version will be the better one because's formatting is impossibly stupid. Ficwad, on the other hand, is quite friendly- as long as I'm not trying to upload a file. >_< Can't win. *sigh* I'm debating posting S&A on naruto_gen, but I'm not yet sure I have the courage to do so. Like I've said in the past, I fail at being a whore.

Y'know what's amazingly weird? One of the comments I got on Choice, that stupid, strange fluff-with-weird Setzer/Shadow fic I posted about a year and a half ago, was from one of my current favorite Naruto authors. Bizarre. 'Tis a tiny world. (She said me she thought Shadow was out of character; funny, I kind of agree. *hates that story*)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What issues are you having with the file upload?

(Send a mail to with the file as an attachment and we'll make it work from now on. Promise.)