Tuesday, May 31, 2005


OH GOD WHY DOES "SPECTACULAR" RHYME WITH "TENTACULAR". And why am I writing limericks. Oh, god.

This is what following CFUD does to me- it forces me to talk in WAY TOO MANY RANDOM CAPS. ALL OVER THE PLACE.

And then I start thinking in caps and in strikethrough and it's just hilarious sad. Shit. I hate being a sponge.

What was that, Mr Shakespeare? I couldn't hear you, you were SPINNING TOO FAST. And I have limerick chains stuck in my head. Bad limerick chains. I'm going to need to apply, and they're going to need to reject me like whoa, so I can get over this urge to write excessive amounts of bad verse. But on the upside it would keep me in practice in terms of poetry-

So done. Why am I awake this early? *cries*

1 comment:

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