Wednesday, July 24, 2002

The other comic idea (aside from The Revolution is Over and Seventh Sword) that I've been playing with is for Sleeping Sentinel, which needs a complete overhaul from when I first thought it up in eighth grade. I never planned on making it a comic, but it would make a really cool comic.

It takes place somewhere between The Dragonstaff Cronicles and The Hunter's Sea in terms of time (Someday I'm gonna figure out this place's history, since it goes back rather far, but that'll take a while...), before the Six Elementals split into the thousands of little gods that Rothcar is known for. Basically, there are these seven really evil things, and the Elemental Queen of Darkness, Evil, and all things Not-So-Nice wants to harness their power and kick her sister, the Elemental Queen of Light, Love, and Shiny Butterflies in the ass. Sibling rivalry. oi. However, when she tried to do this the first time, she got herself trapped in a large rock by six Avatars of the Elements. It was the Avatar of Darkness who sealed the spell that trapped her in. The six Avatars then went to sleep. For a while.

Now it's six hundred or so years later, and someone let Adarial, Lady of Darkness, free. And she really hasn't had an original idea in a while, so she tries to harness the power of the sleeping Sentinels again, only they corrupt her and take over her body and trap her soul in a rock again. The Lady of Light, Celesianna, wakes up the Avatars and tells them to get back to work- it's a pretty rough drag. But it is six hundred years later, and they've all been treated as heroes and such for a while, which means that they really can't admit to being who they are, because for some reason, that would be bad. (I told you this needed to be reworked...)

I never cared too much about the plot- I just loved the characters to pieces. The Avatars were all normal (relatively) people before they were touched (in the head) by their respective Elementals.
Earth: The Wyrm. Jora'di Deethanas, a demi-human known as a malestri, also a thief wanted in several countries, received her call just as a bunch of forest elves were about to execute her. Lucky break, but most of them still haven't forgiven her. Jori's rather over confident and bitchy; she doesn't get along very well with Edrana, who is also over confident and bitchy. Siegfried thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread, but that hasn't been invented yet in Rothcar, and he feels that way about everybody, so that doesn't account for much.

Water: The Leviathan. Auridulujeeraysidenshas al'Seeshlan, a manic depressive water elf with the bad habit of ending up wherever it is that elves aren't welcome. Even in places that are normally friendly towards the fae, he'll somehow wander into the one part of town where elf-haters get together to get drunk. He's got chronic bad luck. Since no one can pronounce his first name without being fluent in the tongue of water elves, they all just call him Blue or Auridien. He's a nice guy when he's feeling normal, but rather frightening when he's manic or depressive. Things tend to die when he's at either extreme, regardless of his bad luck. (He's got a mean right hook.)

Air: The Wyvern. Redea Stormcry, last surviving member of a race of winged people. Adarial killed them all for resisting her; Redea has sworn vengeance, but she really is a very nice girl. Technically she's a princess of some sort, but the point is moot with her people dead. She's almost saccharine, but not quite; the fact that she and Blue are lovers makes up for this, because it's impossible to be radioactively nice when your boyfriend is severely manic depressive. She's rather suspicious of magic and has an affinity for pointy things and can occasionally be described as an 'airhead'...

Fire: The Salamander. He won't tell anyone what his real name is, but he goes by the handle 'Gladius'. He's a Gathare, or a Desert Raven; they're a fairly reclusive sort of people with leathery wings and bird-like claws. Gladius is an albino, and for various reasons was an outcast of his tribe. Something to do with bringing a curse down upon his people and angering the gods, he won't really talk about...much, at all. He's very closemouthed (the only one in the entire group who is) and a very skilled shaman/mage. He doesn't travel well, being about eight feet tall, covered in leathery white skin, with glowing red eyes and a perpetual scowl. It should be noted, though, that when he communes with the Salamander, the two of them ususally crack very bad jokes at each other.

Light: Lady Celesiana. Since I couldn't let any of the main characters have happy pasts, the Avatar of Light is Siegfried al'Rothcar, crown prince of Rothcar, technically the king after his parents and older brother were killed by Adarial. Of course, six hundred years later the country has reverted to democracy, but during the original battle against Adarial, he had it pretty rough. He's about 16, very naive, cheerful, and cute. Everybody calls him Sig, or Ziggs, or, in Edrana's case, Fried Eggs. He does remarkably well for someone who never learned to fight- he didn't have to, since he wasn't supposed to take the throne. He was the scholarly type, but when Adarial attacked and Celesiana saved him, he didn't have much of a choice. The Lady of Light gave him a natural affinity for any weapon, but he still hates to fight. His best friend, Derrin Blaze, was also killed by Adarial, but Derrin still haunts him in the form of dreams and a small falcon that speaks in Latin only when talking to Blue. (Someday I'm going to figure out what sort of drugs I was on when I thought this up, I promise.)

Darkness: Lady Adarial- but Celesiana chose the Avatar. Edrana Coralin, Eddy to her friends if she had any. After murdering her mother and being killed by her people, she came back as a vampire, died, came back as a wraith, exploded, came back as a zombie, burned to ash, returned as a Byerol Demon, and finally gave up and killed herself. Then Celesiana brought her back in her original form, as a 15 year old girl to fight Adarial. Eddy has all sorts of crazy power and knowledge from her thousand odd years as an undead monstrosity, and thus it's a little understandable that she doesn't always get along very well with the other Avatars. She has yet to explain to them that the reason for her inability to die stems from the fact that she's been posessed by one of the Sentinels, and not even Celesiana could get it all the way out of her head. She enjoys teasing Siegfried mercilessly, getting on Jori's nerves, testing the limits of Blue's bad luck, and staring up at the stars with Gladius. Definitely my favorite character in terms of being all around screwed-up.

Yeah. Crack rabbity. I seriously would love to draw it, but it definitely needs some work...but Auridien just looks cool when he's crazy.

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