Monday, July 29, 2002

*climbs onto pedestal* *signals trumpets* *TRUMPETS BLAST* *clears throat*

Ladies and Gentlemen. I have an announcement.

It is very hot.

*clears throat* *TRUMPETS BLAST* *climbs do-*
*climbs back up* *TRUMPETS BLAST*

Oh, I forgot. It is very hot. And Lulu hates the world. She hates it a lot. My dad's office hates me. As does most of my house. I am leaving for Virginia tomorrow morning. I'm fairly sure my mother is on her way to hating me.

Also. I would rather have brie with the apples, pears, and honey stuff. Creamy blue cheese just isn't my style.

*TRUMPETS BLAST* *climbs down* *falls over*

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