Sunday, October 16, 2005


In honor of having just finished watching the first season of Dr Who (with the ninth doctor, y'know), I'm going to sit here and make incoherent babbling noises for a while.




...and also, *gibber*

I don't entirely approve of the way they treat paradox and time travel in the show (but I never do; I have yet to see anything handle time travel properly), but dear god, the characters are amazing. Amazing. One might even call them fantastic. If one were being a horrible twitty little fangirl, that is.

Barbara is patting me on the knee, since she and Gill just had to sit through me doing one of my prologued "AAAHHHH....ahhhhh..." faces. Sounds kind of like an orgasm when I write it that way, now that I think about it. More or less appropriate, really.

If they don't bring John Barrowman back in the next season, I will be very cross. Although given the new face of the Doctor, it'll just be kind of creepy to see him flirting with the man. 0_o Christopher Eccleston is three years older than John Barrowman; David Tennant is four years younger, and looks about twelve to begin with. Sort of like he just hit puberty, really.

(The reason this entry may sound slightly...distracted is because I'm not entirely accustomed to writing while someone is reading over my shoulder. I have to take into account my audience, you see. Well, I feel vaguely distracted, but that's possibly because I'm trying to picture Captain Jack's reaction to the new Doctor, and it's coming up all sorts of ridiculous in my head. Lots of 0_o faces. And a few -_- as well.)

But yes, Dr Who. Amazing. Delightful. Fantastic. British. And with really, really wonderful characters; one of those rare shows where I like everyone, and don't even obsess over pairings. (That? That was a lie. Such a lie. And the Doctor may be totally asexual, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't watch. And Jack and Rose are cute together. :P And now I've broken Barbara's brain. My work here is done!) It's just. So. Cool. Even with the B movie special effects and the occasional cheesy lines, there's a definite sense of history and continuity and more backstory than you can shake a stick at, which I love. And it's quirky and adorable and funny and sexy and occasionally the plotlines are predictable, but they're almost always creepy. It has zombies! And evil robotic salt shakers! And canon bisexual mansluts! And frozen cubes of vomit!

And all of time and space wrapped up in a little blue box. (Watch out for the big, bad wolf.) The season ending was just so, so, so, so amazing. It would have been a deus ex in a big way, but the whole season was setting up for it, so it was just a deus ex in a minor way- and it opens up a whole realm of possibilities, endless, beautiful possibilities. I'm in such a state of overwhelming joy right now- it's that feeling you get when you read or watch or experience something that hits that perfect, resonant chord of rightness in you.

Beautiful. I could probably blame my babbling on a lack of sleep, an excess of chocolate, and the fact that we just watched six episodes back to back. But oh, joyousness.

Now I need to talk about my nano novel, since I think I'm being pulled into that mess again. So much to plot, so little time...

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