Monday, October 31, 2005

The Revolution is Over: Who the hell are these people?

(Man, it's so weird seeing only two blogs on my profile; I'm so used to there being four or five...)

Cast thusfar:
Megin Falche
Marc Anthony
Spots MacDowell
Miryana "GHOST" MacDowell
Kyle Stroud
Eleanor Fetch
Matthias and Greymalkin

Eleanor Fetch is a greencard non-human, class three. As a class three, she is indistinguishable from a full human from fifty feet away when fully clothed; as a greencard, her modifications are genetic and biological, not cybernetic or neurological. Eleanor was part of an experimental military biokinetics program in Havensec's research and development sector. The experiment went remarkably well; the modifications they were testing are now availible to certain branches of the security forces.

Eleanor has had all of her senses enhanced, and her skin now has the consistency of very tough, thick leather. The body armor covers her entire body from the neck down, excepting the palms of her hands. She can't feel very much through the altered skin, but her hands are exceptionally sensitive.

She had her auditory and olfactory enhancements removed a few months after the program ended; they simply interfered with her every day life too much. She still has extrememly sensitive hands and very keen eyesight; her taste enhancements were diminished when she had the olfactory ones removed, but she can do the Benton Fraser taste test with the greatest of ease, regardless. *stabs self for excessive geekery*

Her armored skin is a dark olive color; from the neck up, she is incredibly pale- standard redhead complexion.

The problem with R&D projects is that they really don't pay well, and they severely reduce your chances of getting employed in another division- unless you want a job in Hospitality, but no one wants a job in Hospitality. Particularly not freaks of nature like Fetch; they have departments for people like her in Hospitality, and it's not a pretty thing. You don't work for Hospitality unless you have no other choice; R&D is still a step up from Hospitality- if you catch a deadly disease and die from it in R&D, at least you'll know your body will be cut up and catalogued for future research. When you die of some horrible disease in Hospitality, they ship your corpse out of South Gate to feed the sea monsters.

Unfortunately for Eleanor, her R&D stipend has run out, and she can't get a legit job anywhere else with a greencard., by the way, I'm not doing Bird in the Hand for Nano this year. I figure it's about time I wrote TRIO; I'm in something of a revolutionary mood.

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