Saturday, September 04, 2004

Leto is actually Russian for 'summer,' which is why I have a character named that- I didn't find out there was a character in Dune named Leto until long after the original character concept congealed in my head.

I've still got a scan of that first sketch, I suppose. No idea where the actual sketch is, mind, but the scan is probably here somewhere. The idea formed after watching Snatch for the first time, with the brother and Steve and several of their friends wandering around and being drunk. (They had to pause and rewind to watch the scene with Boris and the machete again, though, which probably has something to do with my own love of that scene.) Leto Udacha, Russian mafia extraordinaire. Or something like that.

That was a while ago, and he eventually became a bored thrill seeker with a taste for illegal drugs in the Nano2001. (Such. Awful. Writing. *cries*)

Maybe I'll write up an entry for the Nano2003, since I did '02. Still think '02 is my favorite, but '03 has its charm. (Actually, it has ninja and pirates, so it doesn't need much charm.) Later, I think.

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