Monday, September 20, 2004

Other fandom things that I just. Don't. Get.

Okay, so I've talked about how much I hate Harry Potter pairings, even if it was two and a half years ago. Now I'm going to be even more disturbing and bring up another thing in fandom that I really just don't understand- this is even worse than Draco/Hermione.

Hellsing yaoi. Particularly Alucard/Anderson. Okay, let's think about this for just a moment: On the one hand we have Father Anderson, an Irish Catholic super-priest who can't be killed, dedicated to his church and determined to bring down not only all of the blaspheming undead, but also the blaspheming Protestants. On the other hand we have Alucard, who is not only a crazy bad-ass super-vampire, but is in the service of the Church of England.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Fangirls make me sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on now. Alucard and Anderson can't possibly be that hard to imagine, especially if you're considering a BDSM asspect of it. Can you not also see Alucard being very psychotic? (If you can't I must ask if you have even seen the series.) That can easily lead to a sadistic side of things, especially if you can see Alucard having a side that likes fucking with people's heads. (He sure enough does this to Integra all the time.)
So, this can easily lead to Alucard wanting to try and break Anderson, or even fuck with his head a little. And what better way to do this than to tie him up, make him his bitch, and fuck him all night long? It would be the best possible way to fuck with Anderson's head BECAUSE he's an Irish priest. And, if you place and basis on the anime, Helena stated that vampires feel no obligation to any one country, race, creed, religion, etc. So the fact that he WORKS for the Chruch of England means jack shit.