Saturday, August 07, 2004

Gratuitous Babble! (Catalogue)

You know, there was a time, long past, when I would update this thing four, five, six times a day- and it would usually be something entertaining, if slightly in-joke-ish. Now I'm lucky if I make that number in a month, and that makes me a little sad.

It's not that I've run out of things to say, or that I've run out of ideas; I doubt that'll ever happen because, let's face it, I'm a crackhead and there's always random shit firing off in my brain.

This summer has been particularly pathetic in terms of volume, though, and I don't really have an excuse for it. I'm not working eight hours a day like I was last summer (granted, I spent those eight hours on the internet, making it much easier to post, but still) and all the recent life-stuff going on should have provided me with plenty of inspiration.

I think I've gotten past the point of actual laziness to the point of extra-special-mega-ultra-uberlazy. Hence why I'm making gratuitious excuse posts like this one. (I could go back to doing one liners, you know. But that'd take too long, since Blogger's redesign runs ridiculously slowly on either of my comps.)

So! Summer of 2001, there were scads of new ideas; Seventh Sword, Revolution, IQ (which I swear I'll draw someday, honest), DDD, the end of Boffo (though that didn't actually happen for another year or so and *still* hasn't been put online), Black Heart (there is actually a snippet for that on the blog somewhere), and more art-things than you could shake a stick at.

Summer 2002 was full of various traumae in the form of WFC, Kev's new job, Shojocon, being a jackass. Oh, what a jackass I was. But there were still all sorts of art-things, a ridiculous amount of bad poetry, Song of Shadows, Firefly (which I'd forgotten I'd thought up until I went back through the archives), and Seventh Hour (yeah, okay, so I do shitty generic urban fantasy/sci-fi like a two-dollar whore with repeat customers, shut up).

Last summer got me Godless Avatar, the orphan thing, and a whole lot of angst over the parents, but at least then I was doing shorts for other concepts; Boffo and Solneki, and at least a little poetry. I kind of had an excuse for doing very little between mom and dad and college and that bloody job.

This summer? All I've got is Stella Matin, which hasn't made an appearance here because it can't decide what tense it wants to be written in. (The main character says past tense second person, the main support says present first person, the primary minor characters say past third person, and they all want more screen time than they deserve. If I knew what any of them looked like, I'd totally make a comic.) June wasn't so bad, but last month was pathetic. Really pathetic.

Of course, since I'll be effectively gone for the second half of this month, I don't have very high hopes of getting much done, but I'm going to try. More book reviews! More baaaad poetry! More stupid story fragments! More art, god damnit! More movie reviews, too, but I guess I need to go see movies for that...*cough*

Definitely need to get back in the habit of carting around a notebook and then transcribing things...that's important, especially now that I do most of my writing on computer. Should reorganize ideas and things, definitely. Should stop being lazy, most definitely.

We'll see how that goes. (I can't believe it's already August...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing, that's inconvenient. I think I may put the haloscan ones back up, because even if their server went down occasionally, it didn't require this much clicking.