Sunday, June 20, 2004

"If I can't be the most important thing in your life, then I won't be anything at all." The harsh words rang true in the shadowy silence, and he held back the sound of pain that threatened his throat until that beloved form had left the room, turned its back on him, for the very last time.

If the distant wail sounded more like a dog's howl in the night, no one noticed it but Remus, lying awake with his own misery.


Bad brain. No cookie. Angsty Sirius fic is not at all appropriate for someone who remains aloof from fandom, especially Harry Potter fandom. Very bad.

*le sigh* It happens, I suppose- the need to create something that will be appreciated by more than just the voices in your head. I hate writing like this, though- too much drama, too many unneccessary words. It feels appropriate for the subject, though; how else would you write Harry Potter angst, if not with long, pretentious, overly complicated sentences?

The identity of the person who just walked out shall remain a mystery until I've read through all five books again and have decided whether or not to continue. (I've been doing far too much introspection over the past week if I'm even considering writing this. Definitely need to stop thinking. I'm blaming the diet coke.)

I think I need to do music and book posts soon. Listening to Emmylou Harris will do that to a person.

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