Friday, June 25, 2004

Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis

Holy fucking shit on a stick. Look at the scans, the screen caps...shit on a stick, I tell you! Oh, Square (Squenix, whatever, you'll always be Squaresoft to me...) you know how to make an old fangirl cry. It's a cell phone game. A prequel, Turk based cell phone game. My heart weeps, yet my soul cries out with joy.

And I thought it was ridiculous when they started selling materia on Ebay, and replicas of Yuna's guns- now Final Fantasy has its own cell phones, and games to go with them. It's all so very wrong- and yet, oh so right at the same time.

I still can hardly believe the DVD for Advent Children is coming out this year in Japan; we poor American sods will have to wait for some etenterprising exchange student to buy it, hack it, and subtitle it, or until 2005 when it comes out on UMD in the states. A sequel...shit on a stick, I say. God bless Japan's love of accessories and memorabilia- I want me some figurines, I do.

Man- just think of all the new cosplay opportunities...there'll be groups of three and four moonlighting as Sephiroth and the Clones all over the place. (That's not a half bad name for a band, come to think of it...*snicker*) I love how the clones have slit pupiled eyes. Hee. (And I can't believe the extra girly one is named Yazoo. Yazooooo! Because that's a name to strike fear into the hearts of men! Kadaj would be the cool, confident leaderly one, even if he is the shortest...Yazoo would be the shy but rather evil and girly one...and Loz would be the headstrong, foolhardy manslut. You can tell by looking at the way they wear their collars- Yaz's done all the way up to his chin, Kad's is casually open, and Loz wants people to imagine him naked but the zipper only goes so far. This is going to be too much fun...)

The entire franchise has reached mind boggling heights, it really has. *happy sigh* Man- just wow, utter wow.

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