Friday, June 25, 2004

Augh. (Lookit me flooding the blog! It's like old times again...)

Since I've been on an FF kick today, what with the looking at Advent Children shtoof, I decided to stop at and oogle the pretty people in the pretty costumes. Someone on the forum started an Amano-art costume thread- what sort of materials work best, what advice people could give- and now I really, really want to cosplay something. Anything, I don't really care what, I just want to make a costume.

The last time I went through, I started thinking up ideas for a female Summoner from Tactics costume- it would require a lot of dark green cloth and gold trim, and something to make the silly hat out of, but it wouldn't be all that difficult if I didn't want to make the whole thing from scratch. I'm not all that great at sewing (as the Rennaissance tunic reveals) but I'm not half bad at accessorizing. And things like shirts and jackets can be bought, and don't need to be made.

Really, cosplaying any of Akihido Yoshida's designs would be awesome- if I weren't a girl, I'd totally do Sydney or Ashley. I think it would be awesome to get a large group of people to go as the Crimson Blades- the costumes would be hella difficult to get right, since Yoshida's designs are ridiculously complicated and specific. I could be Samantha, if I had a bust...or I could be Guildenstern if I wore crazy platform shoes.

Dancer from tactics would also make a totally rockin' costume- alas that I don't have the figure for it. Though, actually, she's wearing full length pants, and I'm not too ashamed of my midriff. Hm. The top would probably need to be hand made, or at the very least have a turtleneck sacrificed to it- and that wouldn't be that difficult. Damn my lack of a steady source of leather! I used all the largest pieces lying around the house on Ralph the Roman Toga Torso two years ago. Without leather, the wrist guards could be made out of some sort of heavy cloth, and trimmed with suede or beadwork...the most difficult thing would be the belt, but that would just require some time and patience with metal foil, and I love doing that sort of stuff. It'd be a bit expensive to make it, but it would be fun to jazz it up with extra sparklies. The pants and shawl...shawl's easy, just some cloth, maybe add some trim- heavy cloth would be best, especially since so much of the upper body would be bare and air conditioned buildings are hell on bare skin. The skirt wouldn't be difficult at all- just something straight and narrow and slightly stretchy (feckin' hips...). The shoes would me made out of the same stuff as the arm guards, and since I hate open backed shoes, they could maybe lace up the calf, under the skirt- it would be awesome...

I need to get another pair of clip on hoops, and then a handful of cheap silver hoops of varying sizes...the gypsy thing at dragball worked really well, and I adore long earrings.

What would really be awesome would be doing an Amano version of any of the FFIV or FFVI crew- doing an authentic Setzer would rock so hard. Or Shadow. Or Relm, because I heart her design; Gogo would require too much cloth, but Locke would also be awesome. If I were a boy I'd totally go for an Edge costume, and having someone to be Porom to my Palom would also rock like large boulders.

Getting a group of people to be Cids from the various games would also rock. You could get an Amanoesque Cid iv with the beard and the wrench, and Cid VI with his raincoat, Cid VII with the bomber jacket, Cid VIII with the sweater vest, Cid V with his grandon, Cid IX with the silly hat- or just have another Cid carry around a frog'd be awesome! Cosplaying as Cid IV or Cid VII would be fun in and of itself, though. I could spew profanity and no one would blink. :)

And oh, to have a partner in crime to do Daryl and Setzer with...*dies* That would be beyond wonderful. And figuring out how to do Cain's helmet? one cosplays as Cain. The armor's too much of a pain in the arse, and to cosplay him badly would just be blasphemous. *le sigh*

I think I'm going to go rooting through the attic for some of my old dress up clothes...we've probably still got bits of Kev's old Venture armor packed away up there, and I know there's a lovely green dress/robe (but not a real green dress, that's cruel) that could be used for a Summoner costume. And we've got all sorts of spangly costume jewelry that would be great for Amanoesque accessories.

And, of course, there's always the possibility of doing Amelia from Slayers...because raining down Justice is one of my favorite pasttimes.

Damnit, I wanna go to a con...*whines* I'm not going to make it to Otakon this year, not with the way things are going now- and Anime Boston happens the weekend before finals, so that's possible...but still, not until next May.

Alas. *costume lust*

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