Thursday, April 03, 2003

-Weiss Kreuz
-Vagrant Story
-Jason Mraz
-Bad poetry

state of head
Ashley is making jewelry, Crawford is making breakfast (along with Kay, who is also making faces at Eclipse), Zack is making breakfast, Seph is making coffee, Vincent is making holes in very small targets at a very great distance, Farfarello is making a mess, Nagi is making a point, Sydney is making trouble, Dei and Weiss are making angst-muffins with a new recipe (twice the trauma, half the fat!), the Old Crew is making themselves scarce, the New Kids are making nuisances of themselves. All is as it should be.

Not much. Nothing new on 7th Hour, Boffo (will post chapter 13 and the epilogue someday, when they stop making me cringe in horror), or DDD. No new story ideas that are at all serious. Foxbird has been tickling the back of my head for a while, but not with anything serious or useable. Amusing? Oh, yes. Worth writing? Not really. Tentative Weiss fic in formation in head, liklihood of it reaching paper is slim; small amounts of work done on the TurkFic, namely getting past sex scene and moving on to plot (bah, plot, who needs it?); Vagrant Story more likely to induce silly comic strips and very, very random vignettes and scenes; Setzer's airship was cool, Darryl's is cooler, but that particular fic isn't going anywhere but down unless I can get past the ridiculous amount of tension contained therein; Snowflake Shadows needs to be written before I succumb to reading Harry Potter fic again- will probably have to read the fourth book and parts of the third to get a better grasp on Cho, but waiting for OotP to come out may be a better idea. Still working on last stanza of Poet poem, will wait until dad returns before printing it and giving it to parents; shall resolve to begin writing Zack vignettes and ficlets, if only to aleviate his grumbling.

Nothing. Started Gunslinger, didn't get very far. Started Sword Maker, didn't get very far. Can't seem to finish Stronghold, probably because I know Rohan will die and Pol ticks me off. Still haven't started the Illuminati trilogy; will someday give that back to Kurt, just...not now. I can't find it under the mess on my desk. Should be reading Julius Caesar, can't quite bring myself to pick up Shakespeare right now. Haven't taken Fifth Elephant out of my bookbag in a very long time. Stress impedes my ability to think straight or read anything of any merit (ie not fanfic). Webcomics- Boy Meets Boy, Schism, Molotov Cocktail (since I've stopped reading Arcana, that means I'm only reading three slashy comics right now. hn.) also Fire Always Makes it Better (for the mindfuck of a plot (wtf?) and the pretty art and the way Wollen is a homicidal maniac of a dragon) and Nine Swords (for Riley. And the excessive gore and violence.) and Karma Slave (because I've grown to like Lyn's art, and Kuruma hasn't yet begun to grate on my nerves- yet). Only six,, wait. I lied. YWAM, which is shounen ai, but semi-professional and therefore infrequently updated. Very pretty, though. The angst has gotten choking lately, what with the Kenichi/Ethan/Suoh situation, however, and I don't really approve. So that's seven, four of which are, I must be obsessed. *shrug*

Eternal Harp. Carol Thompson lives like twenty minutes from here; she's an emmy winning harpist. Mom still wants a harp. I kinda want a harp. Waiting for My Rocket is some smooth, smooth shite, yes indeedy. I wish to stalk Jason Mraz, but I think that if I don't shut up about him, someone will beat me with a club. Born on a Pirate Ship is bitter, bitter sweetness of the Bare Naked Ladies variety. I wanna have "Stomach vs Heart" tattooed on my earlobes. Newsies is still wonderful, and the Telemann is utter spiffness on a stick.

I missed YYH and Kenshin. Again. *head. wall. ouch.* Damnit. *sigh* Haven't watched tv in such a long time...but! Have new Nazca DVD. Will watch soon. (Soon is a very relative concept...) Nazca pleases me greatly, with the silly spandex, the swordfighting, the plotholes, and the pissy characters. Now vaguely incestuos, too! Only vaguely, mind. But I'll be pissed if Elela ditches Jigumi for Wossname, the mountain climbing dude. She should be Evil and psychotic, just like Jigumi- largely because she has pink hair, and we all know people with pink hair are inherently evil. Look at Sailor Moon. So therefore, Elela must remain evil, and not switch sides halfway through. Also! Six-String Samurai should be coming soon. "Vegas needs a new king", and all. (Despite the fact that it's probably going to be crappy, any movie with that particular line in it is good in my book.) Will soon be going to see Rent, but that doesn't quite count.

Currently, not much. Finished the hitchiking picture last week, so now I'm not doing anything serious. Feeling the urge to do more Weiss Kreuz fanart, though- Crawford this time, not Farfarello. Sexy, not psychotic. I refuse to draw Shuldich, because he has stupid hair. I refuse to draw any of the Weiss crew, because they're whiny and annoying. I don't know what Nagi looks like, so I can't draw him. Guess I'm stuck with the psycho albino and the guy with glasses, then. I've so got to actually watch this series...but I'm afraid that if I do, I'll hate all the characters, and that would make me sad. I think I'd like to do an Aviator pic- Perry or Miranda in full combat/courier uniform. Some serious VS fanart might be nice, or a Boffo scene of some sort. Dunno.

not doing
Homework. What did you expect?

Fuck, don't ask me that. To be left alone, for the most part. To not have to worry about people. ...Ice cream. An attention span. To know what exactly I want out of life, among other things. To be able to keep everyone happy and sane and joyful because people should be joyful, damnit. World peace wouldn't be half bad, either, but I'd settle for world-lack-of-outward-violence at this point. To be abused. For my voice not to crack when I'm singing at the top of my lungs. To be able to articulate what I need to say. To know, definitively, that everything really is going to be all right.

Homework, speaking, facing certain issues...explaining myself in depth.

for the rain, for mom to come home, for things to make sense, for the cat to get out of my lap so I can find myself some ice cream, for my homework to do itself.

And that's it for today's current events, lovelies. Have a nice night.

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