Tuesday, February 18, 2003

"Well, when fish started swimming across my vision, offering me cigars, I decided it was a good idea to go to sleep."
"Cigar smoking Babel-fish? Hmm. That could be potentially disastrous to your inner ear."
"That's what I said."

"Why don't you take Sanskrit to round out your dead languages? Or Aramaic?"
"I was thinking Aramaic..."
"People actually still speak that, though."
"Damn. All right, try harder to find me a dead language to learn."

The brother watches Gilmore Girls. He watches, and plays the Gilmore Girls Drinking Game. In his words, "I'll leave you to figure out the rules."

"So, three drinks every time Lorelai does something sensible? Or one sip every snarky comment- but that would get you very drunk, very quickly."
"I see you have figured out the basic principal behind drinking games! You're all ready for college."

"So, what did the sea urchin look like?"
"Squishy. But that was pretty much everything on my plate."

"And then I had ginger chicken, and it was gingery enough to make you go 'damn, don't need to add ginger to that'."
"I doubt that."
"I don't, and I know you eat raw ginger."

Because that's what a typical convo with the brother eventually leads me to shout. *giggle*

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