Friday, February 21, 2003

Art related stuff; will have new picture done soon, as all I must do is clean it up. Only problem is, I hate cleaning pictures, especially when there's thirteen layers and I can't figure out which one the little doodle in the corner is on. *_* My eyes are blearing...

I'm quite proud of the coloring- none of it was done using the dodge and burn tool, it's all color-picked highlights and shades. Wish I'd paid more attention in art class when we were going over the color wheel...I love the colors, but the actual lineart is crap, utter crap. I also made another attempt at scenery, and I'm too tired to fix the damned drapes. *_* I get sick of a picture when I'm almost done with it.

However, I have nothing else to do right now, since I'm avoiding checking my email...
Tomorrow I'll be going to a craft fair in Baltimore, so there will be much arting things to talk about when we get back...I am quite excited. Yay, art. Maybe I'll be a crafter when I grow up. I'll make candles, or something, and write cheesy poetry on them.

Hey, people actually buy that kinda stuff, lay off...:) *sigh* Back to excessive drapery...

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