Sunday, January 01, 2006

One, Naruto: Cancer

Y'know how, sometimes, a quote or a phrase just rings in your head so perfectly you have to write it into something? Yeah. Also? Given the mission stats of various ninja, it's highly unlikely they sent the same people out day after day to complete incredibly dangerous missions, even during wartime. Just sayin'. version
ficwad version

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
-Edward Abbey

"I thought I'd find you here."

Tsunade didn't look tired, but anyone who knew what to look for could tell she was just concealing it with a jutsu. She couldn't hide her body language, and she couldn't hide the ache in her voice.

Orochimaru didn't look up from the sink as he scrubbed meticulously at the bloodstains on his hands.

"You just got back from another mission- what was it this time? Political assassination? Gang war? Angry husband?" She leaned against the wall and stared at the soapy, bloody water gathering in the bottom of the sink; the drain was clogged.

"ANBU missions are classified," he said lightly, and dropped his arm guards into the sink.

"Some records are still public, if you know who to ask. Three assassinations in as many weeks- don't try to pretend you aren't taking an overload." She crossed her arms and glared at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

A tendril of hair snaked out of the loose braid he wore it in and dangled into the bloody water; he tucked it back behind his ear and scrubbed at the blood caking his arm guards. "Using your family conections to investigate my records is hardly honorable, Tsunade-hime."

"I wouldn't have to if you'd just talk to me, damnit!" Her fist slammed into the wall, shattering the ceramic tiles. "What are you trying to prove?"

He finally met her eyes; her jutsu could only do so much to hide exhaustion. He smiled, and she shuddered. "Nothing. I'm not trying to prove anything."

"Don't lie to me."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Tsunade-hime. I'm simply trying to improve myself."

Her mouth tightened into a hard, thin line. "Growth for the sake of growth- that's what cancer does, Orochimaru."

If anything, his smile widened. "You're the physician, Tsunade-hime. How do you intend to treat me?" He reached out with his dripping, bloody, hands and curved them gently around her face. His breath ghosted across her cheek as he spoke in her ear "After all, what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger."

She was paralyzed in his grasp, trembling and powerless. "I'd cut you out," she hissed. "Without a second though, I'd cut you to pieces and burn away any trace of you."

He pressed her against the wall, skin cool and stinking of blood. "Could you? I wonder, Tsunade-hime. Could you really?"

She squeezed her eyes shut. "I would."

He released her with a smirk. "I don't believe you." He went back to cleaning his gear as though he'd never touched her.

She scrubbed at the wetness on her face with a sleeve, still shaking. "I'm not a medic anymore," she spat. "So I guess we'll never know."

He nodded, and tucked another errant strand of hair behind his ear. "You're leaving, then?"

"You're not surprised?"

"We all have to leave eventually." His eyes flashed, gold and slit-pupilled. "Konoha can only offer so much."

She didn't look at him. "That's not- I thought we were friends once. I thought- but you never understood us, did you?"

"It works both ways, Tsunade-hime."

She nodded. It wasn't really a surprise. "Tell Jiraiya I said goodbye."

He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "He'll be hurt."

"What do you care?" She turned to leave, heels clicking over the smooth tiles. She paused in the doorway and looked back at him. "Orochimaru. Cancer is a parasite- it can only survive as long as it has something to feed on. You'll go too far one of these days."

He gave her a thin smile. "That, Tsunade-hime, is precisely the point."

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