Sunday, January 01, 2006

Nineteen, Final Fantasy VI: Ghosts

Setzer/Shadow, takes place after the last bit. I love these two, they're like the deformed, horribly scarred and traumatized odd couple.

His wounds were far from healed, but even he could only sleep for so long; Shadow found himself wandering the corridors of the airship, looking for her owner. He folowed the sound of whistling to the engine room. The whistling was a surprisingly tuneful rendition of a Jidoorian sea shanty. He'd heard the lyrics in a bar in Zozo once; the words were crude enough to make the whores blush, as he recalled. He found the gambler's boots sticking out from underneath one of the hulking rotaries in the bowels of the Falcon. They were rather distinctive, as far as footwear went.

"Everything all right, Mister Shadow?" Setzer punctuated his question with a particularly loud bang.

"Fine." Shadow leaned against the door and watched the toes of Setzer's boots tap to the beat of some tune only the other man could hear.

"Good!" There was another bang, and then Setzer emerged from beneath the machine. He was filthy with dirt and grease; the dark smudges stood out against his pale skin like ink on parchment. "You seem in good health today."

Shadow shrugged. "I've no complaints."

"Odd, for a man who was nearly dead not even a week ago. You're a lucky man, Mister Shadow." Setzer smirked. "I like that."

He heard a faint giggle from the corner, but there was no one there. Shadow stared at the empty space with a frown. "It's not luck," he said at last. "Not when you ought to be dead."

Setzer stood, wiping his face with a lacy handkerchief. "It's not our place to say whether or not we should be dead, Mister Shadow. It's out of our hands, from the moment we're born to the moment Dame Fortune decides to call our bluff."

He heard the giggle again, but there was still no one there. Setzer clapped him on the shoulder and gave him a gentle shove towards the stairs. "You still look only half-warmed over, my friend. Get yourself back to bed; we're stopping in South Figaro in a day or so to pick up fuel and supplies."

He let himself be pushed out of the room, but as he turned to go, he saw a flicker of purple and gold in the corner of his eye.

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