Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Just a note: women with hips are so much more fun to draw than your typical "attractive" American woman with sticks for legs and a waist that is indistinguishable from her ribs and hips. Plus, they're easier to draw; obviously I'm a bit more familiar with the female figure than the male (because I'm a *girl*, you retards. quit sniggering like that.) and I like drawing things when they're over-exaggerated or out of proportion. (Actually, I just can't ever get the arms and legs to be the right length, but sh!, don't tell anyone that.)

Because, you know, I draw naked women in my free time. *rolls eyes* Honestly, what did you think I was going to say? (Anybody wanna pose nude for me? Male or female, I need to work on my figure drawing...) Oh, quit looking at me like that. You're coming very close to earning a thwapping, the lot of you.

I suppose I should find it a little disturbing that I write in this thing (and all of my other journals) as though I were speaking to someone; I think I would do that even if I knew that no one read this thing. (Oddly enough, I know that people do, and you've no idea how weird that feels. Shouting in the dark...) Some people think that talking to yourself is a sign of insanity; others say that it's no problem as long as you don't get into arguments. So then I just sit and think, "Well, damn, I guess that means we're screwed, doesn't it? Of course we're not, quit being such a pessimist. But-"

At which point I usually start laughing at myself, which just earns me even more strange looks. But, as I've said before, it's far more important to be able to laugh at yourself than to be considered sane by other people. It really is. Granted, it's nice to not have people avoid meeting your eyes and crossing the street rather than walk past you, but hells, if you're gonna go all out, go all out.

Wait, wait, I didn't just write that. Only I did, but I didn't mean it. Sanity (or what the average Joe considers "normalcy") may be overrated, but it has its uses. Not being a complete social outcast wherever you go, for instance. A little bit of kookiness goes a long way, after all...and no matter how much they annoy/frighten/piss you off, if you keep on pushing people away with your antics, they will reach a point where they won't come back.

Just a little something to keep in mind when dealing with the masses. Individuals, on the other hand, are easy. Just figure out exactly how much weirdness they'll take at any given moment, and start pushing the envelope. Raise the crack-rabbity tolerance of the people around you; make them prepare for the unexpected. It'll do everyone a little good in the long run.

This post is getting rather long winded and off topic. Shall I go back to naked women? *grin* Nah, they're overrated, too. Naked men, on the other hand...or rather, half naked men in leather pants. (That yummyummy picture of Apollo Ohno, anyone? Lickable, indeed...) That's a topic I could put chocolate syrup on. *wink*

Don't mind me. Seriously. I can write whatever I want here and suffer few repurcussions- the weird looks, I'm used to, really. And we're all friends here. Even you, mysterious reader whom I may or may not know. Friends by blogassociation. It works. Obviously you must find me at least a little amusing if you're still reading this. Or maybe you aren't; maybe I am just talking to myself.

But then again, maybe I'm not; does it matter?

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