Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Ah, so I feel the need to clarify a few things, since I've been getting questions and odd looks at school.
I'm really not obsessed with guys in skirts, darling. It's all Mr Novak's fault, really- If I didn't think Mr Novak= David Foley, I never would have thought Mr Novak = guys in drag. I mean, the first day of school, I knew he reminded me of one of the Kids in the Hall crew, so I had to find out which one. I go digging around online and I find a write up about each of them, and when I get to David Foley, *bam!* it's Mr Novak, and the little write up things says that's he's the one who "looked the best in a dress". And so it all began.

I suppose it's also partially Crystal's fault during marching band; she'd been showing off her drum majorette boots and complaining about how the skirt always got wrinkled, and I said that we should be able to march in skirts- the pants are damned uncomfortable, you know. And, of course somebody had to be a smart ass and say "what, everybody? wouldn't that be a little odd?" So I said no, not everybody, just the guys in my section- really just Sam and Drew. Pasquale could wear a jumpsuit. (Don't ask- it was random and seemed funny at the time.) Now, why only Sam and Drew, you ask? Because they're both tall and gawky and would look damned silly in a skirt. That's all.

It's purely an amusement factor thing, not a kink, to be perfectly honest. Well, mostly- some guys would look pretty sexy in drag, but that's just me. I read too much yaoi and I'm too much a fan of the girly-boy look. But anyway, half the words that come out of my mouth are said purely for shock value and to get a reaction from other people- I mean, take a look at half the stuff I've written here. I love to prod people until they squeak; possibly this is a form of revenge for all the prodding I've received...

And I'm really probably not going to see Sorority Boys, simply because I don't want to see Michael Rosenbaum in drag; whenever I think of him, I'll think of Lex Luthor, and him in drag just doesn't work. See the thing with Sting below; some guys just should not crossdress for reasons of dignity or what-have-you. *shrug* Now if it were Tom Welling, on the other hand...even though he would look absolutely awful in a dress, I have an easier time picturing that than picturing Michael Rosenbaum in the same situation.

There. Now you know more or less the truth of the matter. As I'm sure you cared, since you seem to- I wonder, does it bother you? I'm hardly the person you seem to think I am. Hmph. And now I'm more pensive than anything else, and it's late afternoon again.

If I were Empress of the Universe for a day, I would outlaw late afternoon. Mid-afternoon, too, while I'm at it. The sun would stay in one place until six o'clock, at which point it would spontaneously jump to about halfway below the horizon to finish the sunset. *grr* Stupid sun.

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