Thursday, May 20, 2004

Indulgent Writer's Survey

What's the last thing you wrote?: Few paragraphs of Callo-fic for Vagrant Story, and a few lines of Stella Matin.
Was it any good?: Well, I'm fond of the fic, but that says nothing about its quality. Stella's just weird.
What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?: Guh. Bits of generic fantasy stuff from sixth grade or so, I think.
Was it any good?: Nurr. The lack of improvement from then to now is a bit disheartening.
Write poetry?: Yarr.
Angsty poetry?: Used to.
Favorite genre of writing?: To read or to write? To read, mostly good fiction, but especially steampunk, parody fantasy, and urban fantasy...for writing, urban fantasy, because that's what I know. Sort of. Gah, whatever. Do vignettes count as a genre?
Most fun character you ever wrote?: Wait, fun to write, or fun in general? Jubal is fun to write, because if I run out of things for him to say, I just have him curse profusely. Otherwise, Len. Totally Len, both before and after the name change.
Most annoying character you ever wrote?: Dei, when he's in whiny bitch mode. Otherwise, Vincent Bonhomme. The bastard.
Best plot you ever wrote?: My plotting ability blows monkeys for fifty cents a pop.
Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?: See above. Or, I suppose Amulius' whole backstory in Seventh Hour. Not really a plot twist, though.
How often do you get writer's block?: It ain't writers block, it's fucking laziness.
How do you fix it?: Lately? I don't. I used to just sit and force the words- but it always sounds better in my head, and that's always discouraging.
Write fan fiction?: Yarr.
Of what?: Middle skool Final Fantasies, Harry Potter, various anime, various other video games. Rarely books, and never tv shows.
Is it better or worse than your other writing?: Since it's all I seem to be writing these days, probably a little better.
Do you type or write by hand?: More of the former than the latter, but it used to be all by hand. I should probably go back to that; there's less pressure to write anything good when you write by hand.
Do you save everything you write?: Yarr.
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?: Yarr.
What's your favorite thing that you've written?: The first paragraph of Sunny Hill, and the first six thousand words of Seventh Hour. (Never mind that I never got past that first paragraph, of course...)
What's everyone else's favorite thing that you've written?: I suppose Boffo is all they've ever really seen.
Do you even show people your work?: Define "people" and define "show." I don't count people on as "people", and I don't count leaving things in the blog for anyone to read as "showing," so the answer would probably be nurr.
Who's your favorite constructive critic?: Dun have very many of those, so anyone who manages constructive criticism becomes a favorite by default.
Do you have a website for your writings?: Yarr.
Did you ever write a novel?: Yarr.
Was is for NaNoWriMo?: Yarr and nurr. Boffo is technically finished and technically novel length, but not for the Nano; DDD is not finished but technically novel length and was done for the Nano.
Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?: Yarr.
Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?: Yarr, sorta.
What's your favorite setting for your characters?: White Hawk, my happy fictional city that sort of resembles Boston, in that it's cleaner than Philly and not New York but on a body of water. There are lots of theme bars with silly names and sillier themes (the Hampsterdance one is the worst, though) and the place is just crawling with zombies.
What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?: Um...probably straight out romance, and I've little patience for mystery.
How many writing projects are you working on right now?: Working? Hah.
Do you want to write for a living?: Maybe. I used to, now I'm not so sure.
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?: Highschool litmag and newspaper.
Have you ever won an award for your writing?: Can't remember. Probably nurr.
Ever written something in script or play format?: Yarr.
What are your five favorite words?: Also, fuck, quite, however, goad.
Do you ever parody?: Merr.
What's your favorite thing to parody?: Harry Potter. Myself.
Do you actually like that thing, or are you spitefully making fun of it?: Yarr.
Do you ever write based on yourself?: Yarr.
What character that you've written most resembles yourself?: Opal started out as a self insert. *wallows in shame* But all of them are reflections on myself.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters?: Other people, other people's characters.
Do you ever write based on your dreams?: Yarr.
Do you favor happy endings, sad endings, or cliffhangers?: Happy (sucker for sap), but not so happy that I can't write angsty snippets about the characters afterwards. *coughcoughBoffocough*
Have you ever written based on an artwork you've seen?: Yarr.
Write me a really classy simile: This simile is like Nicole Kidman.
Now write me a really dumb simile: This simile is like a rock. A really dumb one.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?: Yarr.
Ever write something entirely in chatspeak? (How r u?): Nurr.
Entirely in L337?: Nurr.
Was that question completely appalling and un-writerlike?: Merr.
Does music help you write?: Yarr.
Do you have a weblog or livejournal?: Yarr. Several.
Do you write your life as if it were one of those journal books?: Merr? Yarr? ...oh. Yeah, the livejournal does read like a stupid diary. Oh well.
Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?: Generally they don't. Or I don't. Or something like that.
Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind!: "It's the fear of the fall that brings you closer to god." Gawd, I'm a pretentious waste of space. Kind of fond of the quote, though.
I dare you to take a personality survey as one of your characters: Yarr.

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