Sunday, August 11, 2002

Winamp just pulled Auron on Ordinary World. I am amused. Now I've got to practice my noisemaker. Lesson at an unholy hour, you know.

Squelching the urge for cuteness with angst, yes, that works quite well. It seems to me that in half the fics I read, all the characters problems would be sorted out if they just had cell phones...or, you know, set places of residence. *snort* I think that little, abused romantic side of me that I keep hidden away somewhere just starved to death. Someone is poking it with a stick now, and laughing.

Shavaasena- I've got a new idea to roll around in my head. *listens to the echoes* Eheh...well, they aren't very loud echoes; the dust bunnies tend to muffle things bouncing around in my empty head. *clangclangthunk* Er...

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