Saturday, March 27, 2004

A few thoughts on Good Omens:

Why is Aziraphale so often written as a complete and utter wuss in fanfic? Did we read the same book? 'Cuz, y'know, the Aziraphale I read about may have acted like a southern pansy, but when it came down to the wire, he wasn't the one having a nervous breakdown the way Crowley was. All in all, Aziraphale handled the apocalypse much better than just about everyone else, excepting maybe Adam.

It just bugs me when Aziraphale is written as a completely innocent, helpless little fop. He's a nice guy, yeah, and a bit clueless, but come on- god didn't give him that flaming sword in the Beginning for no reason.

Just my two cents, you know. Nothing more.

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