Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ten, Naruto: Scars, part 3

These are actually really out of order; next bit in the Ino thing, and my continued disapproval of Sasuke/Sakura in general.

"What about Shikamaru? I wouldn't mind."

Sakura's jaw twitched, and she stabbed a piece of bell pepper with her chopsticks with a little more vehemence than necessary. "No, Ino. I'm not going out with Shikamaru. He isn't interested in me, anyway- and what would we do? Sit and watch clouds? He doesn't have a romantic bone in his body."

Ino very carefully didn't mention that Sasuke not only didn't have a romantic bone in his body, he also didn't have a spine, or any bones without traitorous, murderous, or obsessive tendencies. "Neji is cute," she said, instead. "And I think Ten-Ten is a lesbian, so she probably wouldn't mind. Lee would be upset, though. Hey, why won't you go out with Lee?"

The chopsticks snapped into pieces between Sakura's fingers. She set them down beside her bowl very carefully, and stood up from the table. "It was nice talking to you, Ino-chan." She picked up her bag of medical supplies. "Tsunade-shishou needs me back at the hospital now."

Ino's voice stopped her in the doorway of the little restaurant. "You know he isn't going to come back. There are people who care about you here. You could be happy with one of them."

Sakura didn't turn around. "No. I couldn't."

Ino's lip curled as she watched her friend go. She couldn't decide who made her angrier: Sasuke, for leaving Sakura like this, or Sakura, for being such an idiot.

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