Friday, September 16, 2005

Somewhat more collected thoughts on Advent Children, or I am a Screaming Incoherent Fangirl

My opinion on Advent Children would probably have been quite a bit different had I watched it with subtitles first. For one thing, I wouldn't have been able to appreciate the visuals as much; people can complain about dubbing all they want, but subtitles really are distracting. For another, it made only slightly more sense with the subbing- plot was not this movie's strong point, and it was very clearly secondary to the visuals.

Much like the game itself, it wasn't perfect, but I loved it anyway.

It doesn't really matter that the plot was inconsequential; call it blasphemous of me, but I really don't care that there were plotholes big enough to throw Meteor through. It also doesn't matter that the CG could have been better in places. The very fact that the movie- a sequel to a video game- even exists is all that really matters, in the end.

It's been eight years since Final Fantasy VII came out. Eight years- but who else remembers watching the commercials for it on TV in complete awe? I remember. And I remember watching the opening AMV sequence for the first time at two in the morning, exhausted and utterly enraptured. (The entire Final Fantasy series has had a huge impact on my life; of all the games, IV and VII are the most important to me.)

When I saw the first screencaps of the movie, back in October of 2003, they literally brought tears to my eyes.

It doesn't matter if you think the game was hyped beyond reason; it doesn't matter if you hated the characters and the plot, or if you think VIII or VI or X or any of the other games are better. Eight years ago, it was something special- and maybe that something was just a combination of keen marketing skills and the weight of Squaresoft's name, but you cannot deny that Final Fantasy VII had a huge impact on the RPG genre and video games in general.

Now, eight years later, that legacy lives on. The fans have won. That's what matters- Advent Children was made for the fans. Sure, it's just a huge marketing strategy to get us to buy more Squenix products, but it also reminds the older fans that yes, we are loved.

We get to see Zack in full FMV glory; Vincent and Yuffie, too. Cloud's limit breaks look even more awesome up close; Tifa may always need rescuing in the end, but she can still hold her own when she needs to. After crying foul at the end of the game, we finally have some resolution. Cloud gets his closure, and we get to see definitively that Aeris stays dead.

Sure it could have been better, but so what? It lived up to the game, and then some. And if it does well, it'll set a precedent for things like it. Maybe Squenix will love us enough to give us a sequel to FFVIII where Rinoa goes batshit and kills everyone. (I can always hope, right?)


Anonymous said...

I watched it with subs, and I was still blown away by the visuals and the sheer impossible-to-follow speed of the fight animation and all... but I guess I am a very fast reader.

but who else remembers watching the commercials for it on TV in complete awe?

I remember.



But I also saw one of the previews in a movie theater, which was just the coolest goddamn thing in the history of ever.

Anyway, I actually pretty much hate FFVII (there are, of course, a few good points), feel it was overhyped for a relative lack of quality compared to the other games, but this... this was good. I really enjoyed AC. It will always make me think more fondly of the VII characters, I'm sure.

Unknown said...

It`s very interesting point of view. Too much information can really confuse people. But On the other hand there are always be people who care about the others, and people who don`t. Everybody is making his or her own choice.But to know some important.
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