Monday, May 30, 2005


Augh, why am I doing this, dear god, why?

Notes for Ophelia app. to Camp Fuck You Die:
(Because yes, every entry will be in some form of poetry. *slays self*)

Sonnet end rhymes:
Bleh. It shouldn't be so difficult to write a bad Shakespearean sonnet. If only my head weren't solely occupied by limericks...

And now I know this is no nunnery;
For surely god would take away our pain,
perhaps provide a submachine gun, or He
could remove those that have gone insane.

Rosemary, that's for thoughts when lying a-bed;
And pansies, I've found, are best for fleeing undead.

...fnk, why isn't there anything that rhymes with zombie? And yes, I avoided the obvious pain/brain rhyme; there are already a number of zombie characters, and I don't want to get rejected on the grounds that they've already accepted Hokuto. Also, Hamlet isn't dead (he's just playing). *slays self three times over until dead from it*


Anonymous said...

...but Hokuto loves everyone!

(Is it apparent I've no clue what I'm doing over there? Because, really, No. Clue.)

Anonymous said...

Zombie doesn't rhyme with Lobotomy, but it slant rhymes?