Wednesday, March 05, 2003

It occurrs to me that all I've eaten today are a few grahm crackers and three bites of leftover Chinese food, yet I am neither hungry, nor sick. This does not bode well. *sigh* Will eat strawberries when the desire to stand up comes to me.

But i would like to make it perfectly clear that today was no one's fault- it was a combination of many things, among them being a lack of sleep, too much thinking, and the utterly brilliant idea I had to bring my Natalie Imbruglia Left of the Middle album with me to school today. One should never listen to Left of the Middle when one is feeling unhappy- it only exacerbates the situation. Finding that the Beacon has returned as a ravening zombie, hungry for brains, has not helped either.

But it's no one's fault. I just felt the need to say that, is all...

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