Monday, October 14, 2002

"Punctuations is for the WEAK!"

If that's the case, then I freely admit to being a weak and girly little girl, incapable of moving without the aid four manslaves in loincloths and a sedan chair, or at the very least a very large, knobby cane.

(I mean, I'm glad for the enthusiasm, but do they have to be morons?)

*sigh* I'm working on the Beacon. If you should, by any sort of freak of nature sort of chance, wish to view it, it can be found here. yes, Geocities. Bite me. And ignore the godawful graphic; I can't judge the proper size for these things when I have to make stuff on Stupid and transfer it to Lulu.

Oh, yeah. I'm also working on another damned health project. An article on racism. 'Cuz that's real pertinent at Franklin. "It should look like a newspaper". WTF? What, pray tell, does a newspaper look like? And she's taking off 25 points for lateness, just because of me, I'm sure of it. Evil woman. *sigh*

Also. Have a journal for my nanonovel, once I start seriously thinking about it. Not much of anything there right now. Just thought I'd make a note of it.

I had two Cokes today. I remembered why I don't like caffeine. But still. Two sodas. That's like, a new record. Also had pie, burnt crispy and full of carcinogens. This whole birthday week isn't looking that bad now. (Went shopping with Kev and laughed at ooogly ties. "You could make a Cloak of Ugly Ties out of them!" "Yeah, Cloak of Ugly Ties- minus five to charisma, but plus 6 to your AC because no one can look at you long enough to hit you!" "Ugliness of that magnitude should be illegal. Think they'd sell 'em to us at a discount if we bought 'em in bulk?" Thereupon I rubbed a perfume sample on him and was threatened with a booting, by my own brand new boots. Mmm, boots. Shiny black leather Tims that are, for the first time ever, actually comfortable. I have won a battle against my mutated feet.)

But now I have to write the stupid article. Stupidness. Blarg. *sigh* It's late and I'm tired...

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