Friday, February 03, 2006

One Piece recs!

I haven't fangirled at One Piece around here near as much as I should've; I'm going to sort of remedy that by giving y'all a sample of what I've been devouring over the past two weeks. (For those of you who haven't read One Piece, what are you waiting for? You can get scanlations from Stop Tazmo or, if you ask nicely and Seph feels like recognizing blank CDs, I'll burn off everything up to 396 and send it to you. Anything to spread the love.)

All genres, all pairings, all levels of spoiling.

Ordinary Day by Sanoken. Primarily Luffy/Zoro; a combination of sap, smut, and silliness. This is, possibly, my most favorite fic ever. No spoilers- just an ordinary day on the Going Merry, and Zoro sometimes wonders how he ended up surrounded by these crazy people.

Communication by Jaelle. Vaguely Zoro/Luffy, mostly humor. This would be my other most favorite fic ever because the characters are all so absofuckinglutely perfect. The first part of the fic could easily happen in an actual chapter or episode- really, one can never have too much fun with the snail phone.

Cue the Heart Shaped Fade by Huabot. Sanji/Zoro, mild spoiling up to Davy Back; a series of moments with hints of lemon. I like the way this is organized into a handful of very short, evocative scenes. Check out Huabot's memories, as ze's fic is quite tasty and delicious.

Ode to the Gentlemen and the Secret Lovers by Zau. Luffy/Nami, Sanji/Robin, Nakamaship, no spoilers beyond Alabasta. Love the structure and the lyrical prose, and the way the occasional typos just make the whole piece that much more surreal and dreamlike. I've got a weakness for really well done Luffy/Nami (or any well done Luffy pairing), and it definitely helps that the rest of the crew is presented so perfectly.

Finding Rob Lucci by Linc. Lucci/Paulli SPOILERS EVERYWHERE. Ohgod, Water 7, why do you kill me so? Despite all of his various shortcomings, Lucci is probably the sexiest character in the entire series, barring Shanks and possibly Robin and maybe Aokiji, but that last one is debateable. Paulli, on the other hand, is like a ground-bound Cid Highwind with a gambling problem and a bondage fetish, and I should not like this pairing as much as I do, but I'm a shallow, shallow little fangirl.

What Are Friends For? by Bastian. Jango/Fullbody. Drunken marine groping! *snerk* It's physically impossible to not love Jango and Fullbody. If you tried, they would work their superior dancing skills and you would bend to their will. Or something.

Walking Through by Sherry Marie. Happy Birthday, Zoro. Various pairings; the whole thing is engineered to break your heart and leave you feeling empty and aching and wonderful in the way that really good fic tends to.

THE CALL OF PIRACY by Solderini. Spoilers through Alabasta; you really need to read the manga up to that point to truly appreciate this, and you need to have some very basic knowledge of the Cthulhu mythos. If you have those things, this is probably the funniest story in the history of everything.

These Days by Turklight. Brief little "Straw Hat Pirates Meet Red Hair Pirates" fic with a sort of stream of consciousness feel to it; it could have done with some editing, but the Usopp-Yasopp and Luffy-Shanks bits were so perfect I had to bookmark it.

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