Monday, February 13, 2006

Decemberfic: Naruto, Undiagnosed

Undiagnosed: Tsunade and Orochimaru, and the ideology of the cancer cell.

The pit of (unfrozen) voles is being wonky for some reason, though hitting refresh incessantly seems to help.

Still not totally happy with the writing (when am I ever? I think my writing skills have deteriorated since entering college, I really do- but then I look back at my older things, and realize that, no, I've just always been full of sucking). But I suppose it isn't completely horrible.

Also finally got around to fixing the formatting on Spirals; for some reason, people are still reading that piece of dreck. (One of my least favorite pieces from last year, and yet it's my most frequently recced piece. Weird.) More people are reading the bloody apronfic, though, and that burns me even worse. I die a little inside every time some squeaky twelve year old fangirl gives me "OMG Kakashi/Sasuke is SO CUUUUUUTE ur fic is liek awesome rite mor oKAY!" for a review.

The whole point of that pairing is that it's fundamentally fucked up. Get with the program, you squeaky fangirls.

I think I need to start writing Bleach or One Piece. It will hurt my soul less. *sigh*

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