Saturday, January 01, 2005

Twenty One- Samurai Champloo

Mugen didn't believe in second chances. This didn't eplain the fact that he kept getting them- second chances, third chances, fourth, fifth, sixth chances...somehow, miraculously, he was still alive.

Jin would have said it was because he couldn't die until they had their last rematch; Fuu would've said it was because they hadn't found her Sunflower Samurai yet.

Mugen didn't believe in Buddha or the gods, but he figured somebody must be finding his life hilarious. He coughed up another lungful of seawater and spat it at a mile marker as he hobbled down the road. Betrayed, shot at, set on fire, drowned, and betrayed again. And he was still alive.

Yup. Real fuckin' hilarious.

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