Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Yay, new O.C! Damnit, I missed the last one. There was Ryan relationship angst! Poor boy just needs to get over Marissa and realize Seth is his soulmate. Don't care if it's in a gay or non-gay way, the two of 'em are meant to be together.

Oh, Ryan and his sense of humor. So much joy.

Aw, Seth is jealous! And pitiful. (Why do I love this show so much? Why? It isn't right, I shouldn't, it's really not all that well done- oh. Right. Seth.)

Oh, Luke. *adore* Oh, Luke and Ryan. *adore* Oh, Luke, Ryan, and Seth. *adore* Not necessarily all together, just in general. Even if Luke is a moron. *sigh* He really shouldn't be that much of a moron.

Marissa, *hate hate hate despise.* Oliver, *love adore* ...Actually, on second thought, Oliver *smack.* But still with the *love adore* 'cuz you're distracting Marissa from Ryan. Excellent.

Summer, Anna? *love love adore love*

I'm in awe of my own stupidity. *le sigh* I'll get over it eventually, I s'ppose.

Want to see Big Fish. Want to see Peter Pan again, too- if you see nothing else other than RotK, see Peter Pan. It's absolutely gorgeous, and even if the Peter/Wendy romance might have been a bit over done. Just a smidge. Not so much that it pissed me off, just enough that bits of it were treacley. The utter and absolute shininess of the whole movie makes up for it. And Jason Isaacs? *love love adore love glomp* Oh, Hook. And the strappy leather thingy that the hook connects to? Mmm, fanservice. And not so much even with the hot old man thing, just with the really nifty leather strappy thing and the evil. And Peter and the little boy and the evil. And the pretty and the clouds and the scenery and the yay.

Excuse me as I go incoherent. Whee. It was quite shiny. I'm not overly fond of the boy who played Peter's acting ability, but in terms of look and attitude, he was completely perfect. The other kids- Wendy and the Lost Boys- were all utterly adorable and wonderful. Wendy, especially, was terrific. A little intense and kind of creepy at times, but terrific.

Jason Isaacs is so absolutely amazing I don't even have words to describe it. As both Hook and Mr Darling, he was utterly perfect. *shivers* And the Hook/Peter interaction towards the end. Guh. Just in terms of the handling of emotion and the sort of backstory you can fill in and the question of what the hell Peter is. Not being a creepy slash fanatic, just being in awe of the story and the film direction. Need to read the book. Definitely need to read the book.

Mmm, books.

Still in awe of my own stupidity, though.

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