Thursday, August 17, 2006

GenX fic recs and some babble

I love Angelo. I haven't loved a fictional character this hard in quite a while; possibly I fangirled Kakashi like this, back in the day, but I doubt that level of adoration came close. (This love for Gen-X is going to yield an indeterminate amount of not-drabbles, and I apologize in advance for all of them. Don't worry, this too shall pass.)

Faerber is a god at handling team dynamics; I think he does just as well as Lobdell in writing GenX. Sadly, he doesn't have Chris Bachalo's sexy sexy artings to back up his writing, but Dodson isn't half bad.

The shift from Faerber to Ellis/Wood in the last handful of issues is more than a little abrupt; issues 67-70 are completely jarring and deeply traumatizing. Standard Ellis style, I suppose, but it doesn't mesh well with everything GenX was before he took over. That doesn't mean the Ellis/Wood run isn't good, mind you- all the plot arcs aside from "Come on and Die Young" are wonderful. Ellis and Wood manage both plot and character development at the same time, and that's horrifically rare in super hero comics.

I do like the way Ellis and Wood evolved the kids, though- they're half feral, the way real teenagers should be. (And, okay, Jono's laundry crisis cracked me up like nothing else, because damn. Boys. I love them.) Not so much of a fan of the new Emma Frost, though I can see where she's coming from, and it half makes me want to write fic about it.

I was half expecting the final issue to make me cry; I was pleasantly surprised to see that, even though there are about six dozen loose ends, it was a satisfying ending. There was enough of a "to be continued" in it to keep me happy.

Now, of course, I'm downloading X-Men Unlimited and the mid-420s issues of Uncanny, and I fully expect those to make me bawl. If they don't, I'll be disappointed.

That said, fic recs! All genres, and as much Skin/Chamber as I could find.

The Regresas Series, by MaggieCat- The Door Will Lock Behind You, A Bit of Naughty, Found Out, and Al Anima Sola.
So, few things entertain me more than feral hoodlum antics- and by "few things," I mean nothing. And the first parts of this series are full of those, and I love them. This is sort of how I figure things would have ended up if Ellis and Wood had held onto GenX longer before the book got cancelled- sort of edgy and gritty and utterly delicious.

Angelo-centric, mild to serious slashy subtext depending on how high the prescription on your slash goggles is, and warnings for het. (The warning is just in case anyone else finds the idea of Emma Frost having sex- with anyone or anything- as creepy as I do.) I would have read this series about a dozen times by now, if it weren't for the fact that reading the final part is like taking a punch to the chest. I lack the endurance to handle many of those.

Also, Emma Frost having sex really creeps me out. >.>

Mommy Complex by MaggieCat. Emma and her orphaned children. Shamelessly cute. (For the record, I loved Water Babies when I was a kid.)

Inquiring Minds by WondergoddessSarah. Jono and Angelo have locked themselves in the bathroom. Paige stands outside, feeling Concerned. Innuendo ensues.

Monotone Photograph by DitzCat. Ultimate-verse Jono/Angelo, full of lovely, atmospheric pr0n. Wins six million extra points for Jono calling the Ultimates "one of the largest wank offs in the history of all governmental communal circle jerks." There's a sixth part on the X-Slash livejournal here.

Steady by thegutterlife. Vignette from Ange and Jono's roadtrip to LA. There's other Jono/Ange fic on coo's livejournal, but this is my favorite piece.

Breakfast in Bed by Lise. Jono/Ange morning-after fic. Cute and squishy, sort of.

Midnight Vigil by Cassandra West. Post M-Day; Jubilee, Jono, and Gayle Edgerton.

Comic Book Fairy Tale by WondergoddessSarah. Drabble; Jubilee, Angelo, and a gingerbread house.

Monsters by Rossi. Short Leech-fic; a coding error causes the story to repeat. Cute and kind of achey, and I really wish the comics had explored the relationship between Artie and Leech and the other students better.

Heartless Among Them by Shallot. Waaaangsty Jono-fic.

A Moment of American Beauty by Tangerine. Jubilee instrospection. Loses points for the lack of subtlety at the end, but the rest of it is just lovely.

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