Thursday, December 11, 2003

Again with the posting of stuff that's probably deeply disturbing to the two or three people who read this. I apologize. It's late, and I need to babble about the little fanfic that I allow myself to write occasionally, even if I know none of you really give a damn.

Hypothetically this blog is for my own benefit- but that doesn't make me any less of a closet comment whore.

But then, I suppose I'm a closet lots-of-things, so we'll just leave that alone.

I'm going to sleep soon, I swear. The happy wore off some time around dinner, when Tina turned into my mom and ordered me downstairs to eat something. I gave in eventually and just went to sleep for a while...very restless sleep. Tina's phone kept ringing. I don't know why I'm putting this here, and not in the livejournal; things here are more private, I suppose. More unobtrusive. (Can one be obtrusive? Is it like being inept versus being ept? Hmm...)

Anyway, good night. This was entirely pointless, although I might have had a point in the beginning. Can't remember it now. Oh well.

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