Monday, September 02, 2002

Huh. I spoke to the brother a little while ago; we discussed AnimeNext. I won't be able to go 'cept on Sunday and perhaps Friday if I cut school and skip a football game. Still. I'll go, come hell or Highwind *cough*, and I'll get to see the brother dressed as a ronin of some sort. (Security is not allowed to drink on duty without supervision of the supervisor...and as the supervisor is James, that simply means he's got to share. *snigger*) I'm anticipating intense amounts of fun, tho I should get to work on a costume of my own. (Ah, if only Amelia wore black! I don't wanna wear white...*blech*)

Ooh, also: we've gotten some sort of cable upgrade. I HAVE THE CARTOON NETWORK!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! HEAR ME LAUGH, OH YE INFIDELS, HEAR ME LAUGH!!!!

Ahhh, that feels good. Never you mind that most of the shows are potentially brain-imploding. I'll get to watch Outlaw Star and five different versions of Gundam and YuYu Hakusho (mmm, Hiei) on my own time! w00t! *happy dance*

"What are you doing Jackie? You don't have to wiggle your foot- just wiggle your butt! Come on, now, wiggglewigglewiggle! There you go, it's easy!"
"No, no, no! WiGgleWiggLeWigglE!!!"

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