Thursday, June 23, 2005

whinge whinge whinge, on a variety of topics

Okay, so I'm just going to not, y'know, think about the fact that the lj feed is up and working, because otherwise I'll just stop posting here. And I like posting here. So I won't think about it. Instead I'll think about how I'm listening to the Super Mario Bros 3 "Swingin' Porno" remix, because that makes me very happy. (...not thinking about it.)

I need my music back; I've been listening to yahoo launchcast because it's better than real radio, but apparently I can only listen to so many hours of it a month...and I've exceeded that. So now I'm resorting to OCremix's streaming radio. (This reminds me that I should get to work on my own remix, but I'm lazy. So lazy. And the files aren't on the computer anymore. *facepalm*) (...still not thinking about it.)

Writer's block irritates me, particularly when I'm this close to finishing things. I should disconnect from the internet and pull out the old notebooks and just scribble; anything but staring at a screen for another hour. Instead, I contemplate other characters that would be amusing at CFUD (The Lady Orlando! Vanyel Ashkevron! (ohgodtheangst! ...and the horrible, screaming wrongness. *absolutely does not dig out The Last Herald Mage for rereading*) Gau! Squall!) and poke at things to update themselves. (I don't actually expect to get in as Ophelia; my app was remarkably unfunny because I don't write intentionally bad poetry well. It ends up being bad, just not humorously bad. *sigh* Also, Ophelia is angsty, but not in a funny way. (Can you tell this is me hoping I'll get rejected?)) (No thoughts, whatsoever.)

Actually did get some work done on BS4 (DEAR FIC: for gourd's sake, stop being so. fucking. wordy. kthnxbai), and I know what the next scene of What Remains is (and What Remains is really just my mind making up for the fact that I'm never going to expand Sorrows and Rejoicings- it's the same story. *facepalm*), so I suppose today hasn't been completely unproductive.

On second thought, yes it has. There was going to be a bit of Boffo angst to finish this off, but it was crappy and poorly thought out. Feh. (Thinking of nothing. Seriously. I swear.)

FATALITY. I think I need something to drink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is me not reminding you that your blog is syndicated on LJ.

Also: VANYEL ASHKEVRON *dies* that would be the best app ever. I bet you could play him as yourself with some italicized Shin'a'in and melodramatics thrown in.
