Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Hey there, writer's block. It's just a scene, nothing to be afraid of.

Today in Moneta, instead of writing, we critiqued Jeanette's assignment; she's in my class, and already has hers written.

This is good, for me. It's not even ten o'clock yet, and I started it yesterday. But her scene was full of cuteness and light and I've realized that I give crap feedback because I don't know how to properly analyze things and hers read like a normal piece of writing- not like my stilted, pretentious, minimalist style that I can't seem to avoid when writing short fiction, and I seem incapable of writing about a loving parental relationship so of course I'm writing about a rebellious fourty year old and the mother she hates and they'd much rather sit in icy silence than actually talk.

I'm bad at writing scenes where things atually happen; there is no movement to the things that I write. They are contained within one space, one moment in time. Jeanette's story moved, it had time as well as space; there was a world outside the window. My story takes place in a hazy heat bubble; it could be a hallucination, and you wouldn't know the difference.

The things that I write are stagnant, in permanent stasis. I just realized that today, and I hate it. I write dialogue and I don't even do that well- and a story needs to be more than dialogue and cups of tea.

Do you have any fucking idea how many times I've written that scene? Two characters. Two cups of tea. There is no beginning, there is no ending, there are just two cups of tea, two perpetually unfinished cups of tea.


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